Scary to think of your standard being implemented 50 years ago and how many amazing performances that simply never would have been.
Scary to think of your standard being implemented 50 years ago and how many amazing performances that simply never would have been.
Ask yourself this question:
What if I told you 99% of white people don’t hate black people for the same reason? How many white people have time to be racist or even want to be racist?
The issue with that is during said conversation she wouldn’t actually be able to point out in which specific ways Trump is anti LGBT.
How will we know when the oppression has stopped?
Kamala slept her way to the top and put lots of black men in prison. Hard pass.
I heard Obama wasn’t returning calls from those looking to do the same.
He’s.....he’s just standing there. Should he sniff her hair or something to be less creepy?
White people that love their guns owe a debt to the Black Panthers tho. The NRA is funded by membership fees and once white people actually noticed the right to bear arms was being infringed on black citizens it actually did in fact scare them enough to not support the NRA/Reagan’s hastily ban on open carry.
Merchants are charged a per swipe fee + the %.
Why were these cops even called? Did someone report a black man with a gun sitting in his car? Did a cop see the car and just decide to shine a flashlight in and kinda panic when seeing a gun on a black man’s lap, then calls for backup?
Didn’t CPD make the claim that the letter was a hoax? Even suggesting he mailed it to himself?
Over 4000 citizens murdered by undocumented immigrants in 2017, are we supporting the GOP’s message of having total control of the border? Nope.
Great points, but it would have been a far more “abandon Trump” moment had he picked on an honorable man. McCain was not in many ways. He was a war nut, his daddy got him his position as a young man, he caused a fire that killed some fellow servicemen, and people have gone on record saying he gave up the goods and…
Put it on Trump’s radar and he’ll get her out. Whether it’s out of his desire to be in the spotlight or he truly would feel sympathetic towards her plight. Either way, she is out.
Your post just made me sad as it will never occur.
I think he must have had something else going on not related to the diet. Carnivore diet now is becoming more and more popular and no one is noticing an odor.
I find it interesting the things we collectively tip for and the things we simply don’t tip for.
How is this such a mystery to everyone? He did it for Kamala Harris. She sponsored the anti-lynching bill that has been trying to get passed since 1918 and what a coincidence he, a friend of hers, literally claims he was a victim of lynching. Since the last recorded lynching in America was 1982 it certainly needed the…
Heartbreaking story. What’s interesting is it both makes me support the choice to have a late term abortion even more than I did before......and at the same time not really support abortion in general as much.