
and a new internet game is born: take any random Hollywood film from the last 10 years and point out how every star of said film has been in a superhero movie.

a Let it Go video bemoaning Let it Go videos... that's so Meta!

fans of what? there were no Avatar fans before the Avatar film. You really are missing the point. The list is about fans of a specific franchise hating a film based on that particular franchise. But hey, if it makes you happy to read this in your own personal way, go right ahead.

which is not what this topic was about. So no, Avatar does NOT belong on this list.

were there Avatar fans before the film got made?

stargate or B5 before the real bracketing even starts? wtf? there are much weaker entrants that should be out at this point instead of either of those 2.

my first thought for this

those would need to exist first to be on the list. My world is a better place thinking I spent those 4 hours getting root canals rather than in a theater watching them.

and even more on that: they include moderately well reviewed films like Cop Land, The Man Without a Face, Mystery men, Dangerous Minds and The Princess Diares as "lousy films" and call Oscar nominated best pictures like The Fugitive, Sixth eSense and Babe "half way descent"

and the reason I can instantly dismiss the quoted article is because, like 98% of internet reviewers, they only see "great movies" and "utter crap" with no middle ground. If you can't rate anything as a 2, 3 or 4 on your 5 point system, your opinion is worthless. So a "scientific" analysis that declares 169 movies

I think the flaw in this article though is a complete misread of why people disliked the show out of the gate. People didn't care that there weren't known superheroes in it. People cared that the non-super people that were there were dull and boring. We weren't sitting around waiting for Luke Cage or Black Panther to

I've read Rand too. I was a Randroid. I know the rhetorical tricks. Nice try though on replying to what you want to talk about rather than what I actually said.

it was bad, but you're right, it's a 4 or 5 out of 10 bad whereas Batman & Robin or Elektra are 1 or 2 bad. Internet commentors though have no ratings other than "utter crap" and "pure genius" with anything not the latter being the former

yes, the amazing effect of people laughing.

yeah, the government curtailing companies' right to be deceptive. How awful of them.

A clever concept, but this just proves to me that editing a good trailer together really is an art form. There is skill required in cutting from one clip to the next, in building rhythm and a flow, and sadly, this mash up just doesn't have that. It looks like a bunch of vaguely related clips from different sources

I've seen the movie and I'm not disagreeing with you about it's flaws. just saying they are not part of the *premise* which is "korean terrorists take of the White House leading to a 'Die Hard at the White House' scenario" anything beyond that is plot points, not premise.

I have been saying this for years here. No one can accept an ok film anymore. Everything is either a genius masterpiece or utter shit. The idea of a 2.5 star film has been lost. Mostly because you can't snark about a mediocre film the same way you can if you declare it Batman & Robin level bad.

because if you assume a premise of an infinite number of possible histories, then there is that one history where every president was a werewolf but otherwise the world is just as we know it now and that is the story being told. It saves the author from having to explain every little thing and gives the reader a

As usual, a large number of commentators seem to have NO FREAKIN CLUE what the original question actual is and are just using this space to bash the plot holes in movies they disliked. Perhaps a LARGE bolded definition of "Premise" needs to be included at the top.