
but what of the *premise* turned you off? You know, the *premise*? the "John McClane goes to Russia" part?

except none of this is part of the *premise* of the movie. These are just plot holes/bad writing

my wife and I just watched the pilot 2 days ago and that was basically our reaction to it. "This is insane!" But then, we enjoyed it because the show clearl knows it's ridiculous and just goes with it. It's what made S1 of Once Upon a Time work for us and why we even enjoyed Zero Hour. the rules for batshit insane

My wife loves this series and apparently, among urban fantasy aficionados, it's quite popular, but I just can't buy the idea that magic can cause technology to fail. Skyscrapers stand up because of physics. Guns fire because of physics. Planes fly because of physics. How can a wave of magic make physics not work but

my wife and I DL over 30 shows a week and at any given time are actively watching 10-15 (and saving the rest). At this point, even favorites we don't mind getting canceled just because it means more time to watch something else (so long as it has a real ending).

perhaps if the OP had followed the directions and actual said what the film was

I used to say this at random times during conversations and all i ever got were funny looks

I am the Walrus

I'm just always happy to see him in anything. He's just so amazing.

there are literally thousands of books released every year, with any individual genre book being marketed to a very small fan base. Not even all fantasy book fans will find every book put out even the major ones.

funny thing is, I usually don't care too much about "world building." World Building is generally for geeks who think every film is a Dungeons & dragons campaign. Films are about people, not tech. But in this case, it bugged me, probably because it was just so obvious that no one even bothered to think about this

My problem with the film was that it didn't at all deal with the reprecussions of the tech the film was based on. What would happen to restaurants in such a world? Would there be more road rage (since there are less consequences to doing so), would drive by shootings still be a thing? There are 1000s of these kind of

you sir, are a rock star and I thank you for your service!

And people also have a hard time with the idea that it can be partly awesome and partly meh, but still worth watching.

I'm an American living in Stockholm, fairly close to the world's largest Ikea. I just finished building IKEA furniture #43 and 44 for our apartment (a couple of end tables). The thing about Ikea is that it's inexpensive, easy to shop for, and gives a uniform aesthetic to a room. And despite what you may have heard,

also, Marvel has already been mixing up the genres a bit

"violates the second law of thermodynamics"? did you really just go there? Um, is it day time where you are? If so, go look out your window up at the sky. See that big yellow thing? It's called "the sun" and it pours out energy onto the earth 24 hours a day every day of the year just as it has for billions of years.

are you seriously saying that you didn't want a sequel then or just that now in hindsight you just didn't like the sequel you got?

I always classified The Fly remake with Aliens as sci-fi "family" movies as they are both about creating new families

I certainly wanted one at the time, because yes, it was a better FF movie than the real FF movies, but now with Marvel hitting it outta the park every time, the impact of an Incredibles sequel just wouldn't be the same.