
I always thought the underlying message of Pulp Fiction was that Tarentino had a serious butt fetish going on. Seriously, watch it again and count how many time things are shoved up (or threatened to be shoved up) someone's ass. It's kinda disturbing.

This is a great topic but way too many people here are cheating or think they are being clever by listing good movies with bad sequels as if they didn't want a sequel at all. I call BS on things like Matrix, any Star Wars or Raiders film, any Alien film or any half way decent superhero movie ever. No one walked out of

it is a beautiful film, but ultimately it's a meditation on the inevitability of dying, which while incredibly moving, is also rather depressing and not something I need to watch more than once

that's a brilliant topic for discussion. Usually it's those movies that definitive endings. no more need be said. 300 was one of those movies

that clip just made my day :)

yeah, pretty much the first 15 years of that was either Cameron or ILM (or both)

I must agree. One of the great thrills in my movie going life was seeing the director's cut on the big screen. It's one of my top 5 movies of all time. It's also proof to me that Cameron actually can write romance... so what the hell happned in Titanic???

perhaps now is the place I can ask something that has bothered me for years:

I so wanted to like this series. The first book had me enthralled and I had heard such good things about it, but by the end of the final book so much had gone wrong tha not just 1 thing could fix it.

the problem here is S will never equal 1/2. it will always be either 1 or 0

thank you for the concern trolling but I'm doing just fine.Nothing for you to worry about. Please go back to your oh so superior day where you only engage in "adult" activities and condescend to everyone else. Really. Please just go.

you realize Frank Darabount made both The Mist and Walking Dead so of course he is going to reuse actors he likes

everything was looking hopeless at that point. His wife/child's mother was dead. He had seenwhat the things in the Mist would do and he had earlier promised his son that he wouldn't let the monsters get him. Yeah, the time seems too short ("why didn't he wait just 2 more minutes?" we scream) but he felt like he was

so true. I actually got hired because of this. I was working as an office temp in the state college system, doing collating and proofreading when one of the proffessors asked me about the excel sheet I was proofing for him. "could you have a slider bar there instead of manually typing in a number?" he asked. I had no

those weren't aliens, they were advanced AIs

we fell for the marketing and watched it thinking it was a family fantasy film. My wife wouldn't speak to me for the rest of the day after it ended, she was so upset.

thirded, forthed or twohundred and seventeenthed (or whatever this is up to now) If you have seen this, it would be impossible to select anything else. The only other film I ever seen with an ending as brutally down as this one would be "Johnny Got His Gun" and even that doen't match the absolute hopelessness of this

it's been a while since I watched it, but didn't the first Iron Man movie have some indication that the idea of a costumed hero with a code name wasn't unheard of? (or am i conflated Fantastic Four here where the reporter giddily asks them for their code names as if super heroes with code names pop up every couple of

it's become a new years tradition at our house to have a 12 hour LOTR marathon. This year we split it over 2 days to accommodate our 13 year old nephew who couldn't manage it all in one day but still, for the 7th time, we watched the whole series in a weekend. I never get tired of it, never get bored and end up

My wife and I just went through all our novels trying to decide what we'd keep... or what we'd remove; which led us to a question: will this committee be looking for stuff to remove or for stuff to keep? These really are different tasks. If the goal is to gut the EU, and only keep the best then you start by