
I love when IO9 scifi geeks with enough science knowledge to be dangerous comment on science articles and claim they (the subjects of the articles) aren't what the scientists doing the study say they are, because.... because IO9 commenters just know better.

noticed that... as well as Electro looking quite suspiciously like DocOck did. and haven't we seen the "villian reflected in Spidey's eyes" thing enough?

and you define an actor making requests of producers to hire other actors to be "meddling"? To people in the biz, that's just business as usual.

have you ever actually worked on a film? sure doesn't sound like it. You are under this delusion that creativity in film is entirely on the director, which of course is bullshit. There used to be a theory of actor that basically amounted to "actors are props with dialogue" and all they should is exactly what the

ER in Space, but with some time it was showing the potential to be much more

I would take it even a step farther:

why does a woman have to bring something new *by virtue of being a woman*? You're still missing the point. By asking a question of a female that is not asked of any man, you are being sexist. There is no need nor reason for there to be a reason for a female Doctor. A non-sexist society wouldn't even be having this

except, currently, the Doctor *is* chosen based on genitals. So why not stop doing that and select the next Doctor from the entire population instead of just half?

What it brings is a woman to the role. why does it need to be more than that? That's just it. By arguing against it, you are implying that the character can only be a man and that a woman Doctor has to be something *more* ("if a woman doesn't bring something different, then why bother?"). You might as well ask why we

it has nothing to do with the value of the inspiration. Michaelangelo and DiVinci and other sculpters and painters have to make choices about what facets of their subject they will recreate. Art is the selective recreation of reality. The artist makes choices about how the subject is posed, lit, framed. They make

ah my bad. the show will return "next year" to finish up it's last 4 episodes. But there is no way it will be back "next season"

next year? you haven't been following the numbers on this one much have you? ep 13 will be the last of Wonderland

The first isn't canon, but aside from the origin story they went out of their way to not directly contradict the first film too much. You can watch the second one as a sequel to the first and not feel like it's a whole other story, more like a comic book retcon than a complete reboot.

I remember talking to writer Fabian Nicieza at a San Diego ComiCon back in the 90s (when it was actually about comic books) and I asked him about the then brand new reveal of Magneto's full name - why now and why never before which also lead into a discussion of Rogue's real name. He said something along the lines of,

what about some one who enjoys both? Lee's Hulk has flaws but overall was an *intelligent* take on the story rather than just a "Hulk smash" CGI fest. It needed a better villian and that wierd scene with his dead where they suddenly decided they were in a David Mamet production has to go, but I have seen the film

I remember a conversation I had back in college in the early 90s regarding the film Cry Freedom. I mentioned to a friend I didn't have time to see the whole thing the night before and had to stop right after Biko dies. I was roundly chastised for spoiling the film.

you must have worked there after I did. We originlly got "unlimited" free rentals (just not of new releases) but eventually they decided we were abusing it. I remember arguing that it was impossible to abuse "unlimited" but they changed it to 5 a week. Of course, that didn't work since then we would just take them

when I was in college in San Diego there was a local video/pizza store. It was a Friday ritual for a while to have them deliver a pepperoni pizza and a Bond film. Good times!

I worked for 2 years at a Blockbuster in San Diego when i was in college (the second of 5 video store jobs). i eventually worked up to assistant manager. I loved that job! I loved getting to spend my days talking about movies with people, making recommendations and getting know my regular customers. I actually had

I saw this opening weekend (I think, I was about 12 or 13 at the time) with a few friends and thought it was amazing! My friends then went and snuck into the R-rated Nigh Shift. I got stopped though so went back and sat through Poltergeist again. Was just as good the second time.