
this was from worst to best right? finding a mixed nut package that isn’t really “cashews and 2 or 3 actually edible bits” is nearly impossible

backpedaled out of killing him? wow, you really didn’t understand what Whedon was doing there. He always knew he was going to kill off Quicksilver. He threw every trope and cliche he could (to the point of near parody) that would make it look like Hawkeye was the one who would die ON PURPOSE as a fake out.

I’d never heard of it until I saw the film. My wife & watched it one Saturday afternoon thinking it was going to be a light children’s fantasy (based on the advertising & Narnia connection). My wife refuses to watch movies withsad endings. She didn’t talk to me for the rest of the weekend after this one.

only once in the theater

I, Jedi was a brilliant Take That/Fan Fix against the Jedi Academy trilogy. Stackpole tossed eerything that sucked about Anderson’s books and fixed what he could to make it all awesome. There’s a reason Stackpole & Zahn (and Allston) are considered the only decent EU athors.

so basically: "fuq PC gamers. Buy a console so we don't have to deal with you" Got it. Guess I won't be playing any more Bioware games. shame :(

in Swedish, "snart" means "soon" or "shortly"

The main problem post-LotR was that the studios pushed the properties onto the creative people rather than having people with a true cinematic vision for the story come to them. The people who made The Golden Compass weren't passionate about the book. They didn't have a singular vision for it like Jackson did with

I always took the whole point of the book as Grand Guginol and sort of an author "fuck you" to his audience. After Silence of the Lambs, when Hannibal Lector, a sadistic serial killer cannibal, became a "hero" or at least, some one to root for, Thomas Harris said "fine, I'll give you a cannibal serial killer hero to

I managed a Blockbuster in the late 80s. Blockbuster would take the box and shrinkwrap it for display and put the actual tape in another case with a Blockbuster sleeve in it. There would be a description of the movie on the sleeve and for Slugs whoever wrote the description clearly thought this was the most ridiculous

I haven't waited more than overnight to watch *any* show I want in the last 10 years. I'm an American living in Sweden. I want my US shows and I want them when i want to watch them. I haven't had to worry about what shows went up against each other or which nights I was home or if I was staying up too late. With

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reminds of the "modern" style trailer on the Once Upon in the West DVD that makes it look like a fast paced action western in the Tarantino style

if It existed I would remember seeing it opening night and wondering why they took some other script about a future dystopia with an unneeded shield and pointlessly grafted Highlander characters onto it.

my wife & I fell for the "Narnia-clone" marketing and watched it one Saturday afternoon. Afterwards she wouldn't speak to me for the rest of the weekend and we reaffirmed her commitment to never watch a movie where she doesn't already know there will be a happy ending.

I think in large part is also a continuing reaction (at least in the U.S.) to 9/11. It was a defining moment in American culture, after almost a decade of prosperity. Being optimistic or imagining a positive future after that day felt wrong, like a betrayal of what happened there. It was a dark time, and we would

the topic is about fans of a franchise that hated the (popular) movie of that franchise. I'm not a clever snarky internet comedian so I'll just put this simply: you're wrong.

Shawn Ryan is brilliant. and this show was as well. Too good for network TV. much like his next show was as well

the same woman's wife? wow, I must have missed those episodes! ;)

smart? really? this must be one of the dumbest shows on the air. That it got renewed was mindboggling.

We just marathoned the 1st season, watching the finale last night so it's quite fresh in my mind. I would argue that the show is "smart" largely because it doesn't force its characters to carry the idiot ball solely to further the plot. Crane was willing to let himself be killed to stop the Horseman and then later,