
“I just had a near Rincewind experience.” —Death

Pratt always *is* 1.2 seconds from bursting out laughing.

Pratt always looks 1.2 seconds from busting out laughing.

Pratt looks 1.2 seconds from busting out laughing.

They don’t need to recast Tony. Just make Tony retire. Pass on the suit to someone else and he can be the man behind the computer instead. It feels like that is what they are building up in the movies. What they tried to do in Iron Man 3 before him being dragged back into fighting in the Avengers 2 movies. After Civil

Because naturally:

Totally. It seems like a long trip (especially with the godawful extended breaks between episodes), but the show has finally managed to park itself on the corner of Interesting Rd. and What Happens Next St.

I don't get why Green Lantern gets all the hate it gets. It was flawed, absolutely. Straight down to its core. It had a ton of problems. But before I saw it I was hearing things like "Its the worst comic book movie ever made." Really? The worst? Worse than Catwoman, Batman and Robin, Elektra, Ghost Rider? That bad? Is

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You can't be TOLD what The Matrix is...because then you'd be like "wait, what? human batteries? that doesn't make any damn sense, Morpheus. Also, take off those glasses, it's rude. We're inside, man, jeeze".

Ghostbusters (1984)


I've used this for other questions, but the Princess Bride still reigns. 1987.

Has to be Breaking Bad for me. They told the story they wanted to tell and got out while the show was at the height of its popularity.

Spartacus. Well, it ended pretty much where it had to end, but it didn't drag things out and delay reaching its natural conclusion forever, unlike some other shows (Smallville...). It's also one of the very few shows that I feel has actually managed to stick the landing with a truly great finale. I'm sure the two are

(..)When it comes to national security, they should be able to operate at the expense of our personal comfort/individual rights/privacy/freedom/etc.(..)