
this should be retitled: What popular/well regarded show do you want to bash to make yourself feel hip

Buried. He carries it. In fact, aside from some voices on the phone, he's the only actor in it.

now I'm confused. I didn't handhold you through a complex theory of theological meaning and despite constantly returning to this thread to talk about how much you dislike it (despite not understanding it), you claim it's a "waste of time." Who are you trying to convince anyway?

my apologies for not providing a primer essay on Theological Non-Cognitivism/Igtheism in my first post. I would hope that you bothered to read any of the links I provided for a more thorough discussion of the subject. This isn't my theory. It's been around for quite a while and it's simply one I agree with. You don't.

OK need some help with one:

the very first time I saw this on TV as a kid I had to change the channel during the fizzy lifting drink sequence as I was convinced there was going to be a gory blade chopping scene coming. Freaked me out for years after.

I seem to recall us seeing that together as a double feature with the animated Lord of the Rings. I don't think I've ever watched it again.

I never moved the goal posts. I started by saying that "god talk" was meaningless. This means not only the word "god" but related terms such as divine, holy and spiritual. All are equally meaningless and undefinable. Again "god" could be defined to mean "the universe" in which case, it is cognitively meaningful, but

my partner & I, who live in Stockholm and walk through that plaza every day were totally jonesing on the Swedish locations and the fact they actually filmed on Swedish subways and platforms rather than just some standard Hollywod "Europe set".

what goalposts have I moved? Theological non-cognitivists just want a coherent definition of "god" that describes what "god" is in primary attributes that relate to reality. Saying god is a ruler tells me what god does but not what god is. Saying god is worshipped tells me how others relate to god but again, not what

and what is a "supernatural being"? If something exists, it is natural. There is no such thing as "supernatural" It's a word without meaning. It can't be demonstrated and can't be falsified. It's like claiming that "pink invisible colorless 4 sided triangles hate 1 dimensional blue spheres" It's a sentence that is

she, but ok - feel free to dismiss an entire line of thinking because you don't like it.

it's theological non-cognativism. The idea that "god talk" has no conceptual value since the words themselves do not refer to existent referents.

just curious: what would you accept as proof? If awards are just an "appeal to authority" would you dismiss critical consensus as well if it disagrees with you?

not sure what universe you are living in where Black Hawk Down isn't considered a classic war film


what does "spiritual" even mean? much like the words "god" "holy" "divine" and "glabnorfginger" it's is meaningless nonsense with no cognitive value.

and guess what - that's what it would be worth. That's what "worth" means. of course, your example makes no sense since money is simply the item we use to stand in for value and thus has fixed values. Art does not. It's worth is *only* what someone else is willing to pay for it.

um, no

that was my original thought as well, and if so, a great example of "getting crap past the radar"