
if so, it's a serious case of "getting crap past the radar"

at 0:19 the severed head that continues to lick could be reference to Reanimator

IIRC, Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch are in this weird nether land where they can be used in the Avengers as well as being used in the next X-Men film.

Kubrick's Shinning lost it for me the moment Dick Hallorann, a man with the Shining himself, who hears Danny Torrence calling him from 1000s mile away, returns to the Overlook in the middle of winter and upon walking through the front door asks "is anybody here?" before being unceremoniously killed by Jack in standard

Cliff Notes version... yeah. I nearly fell asleep in the theater watching this. I was annoyed because the screenplay seemed to think that mentioning something philosophical was the same as actually discussing something philosophical.

A vastly underrated film. Is Sorcerer the masterpeice that Wages of Fear is? Perhaps not, but if you take the best 75% of tWoF and add the best 25% of Sorcerer, you you could actually create a film better than either. In that sense, Sorcerer is a successful remake, if not a better one.

I'm in the process of rereading Dark Tower now (having just picked up the Marvel Omnibus of the comics) and the only thing that let's me ever revisit Mid-World is the the scene of Jake and Susan and Eddie in NY at the end. There are other worlds than these.

it's quite possible that the live electric rail is on the far side, opposite the platform, so while there might be plenty of space, getting there is just as dangerous.

Vulcan was the name of the theoretical planet that was once believed to have an orbit inside Mercury's

I must join the Gremlins 2 love. I saw this in the theaters almost by accident - I needed change for the bus and broke my $20 by seeing a movie and Gremlins 2 was the only think showing I hadn't seen yet. I have never laughed so hard. "Meta" as a term didn't really exist as a term for entertainment then but even so, I

I have been saying for years I would pay good money to see Judi Dench and Helen Mirren in an action buddy cop film kicking ass and shooting people. It would be like the older Cagney & Lacey do Lethal Weapon

and I think the point was that teachers *never* intervened, and this was just a single example.

As one of those geeky friends of Annalee's in middle school, I can confirm everything here. There really was a Hate Patrol and they really were that bad. I always thought the best revenge we got was that by the end of middle school, the geek/outcast/loser lunch table area was far larger than any other individual

DS9 Millennium trilogy by the Reeve Stevens. I read each book in a day, fantastic story, great pacing and one thing that really sells a Trek book for me is that they got the characters' "voice" down perfectly. It always throws me when an author writes a character's dialogue in a way that may work for a book but just

thank you for recognizing the utter crap that is Last Crusade. why this movie is so beloved has never made sense to me. boring, uninspired, insipid shit with sitcom level juvenile humor, formerly intelligent resourceful characters reduced to bafoons making camel jokes and not a single valid cliffhanger moment. crap

caller ID?

in this case... yeah. or Bluebird or Free Ride or just about anything else.

you're asking for an sci-fi/fantasy critic to not be snarky? you haven't been on the internet very long have you?