
The first thing I thought of (aside from the Brachiasaur reveal in Jurassic Park) was John Lithgow's space walk in 2010. As has been pointed out by others, the music really sells these scenes, but what is often missed is the level of acting required, as these thespians are usually playing to a green screen or a tennis

Hornstull... that's a 10 minute subway ride away. may have to go check that out in person

For some reason I always imagined a planet in a binary system orbiting one star with the other star being farther away. Like if Jupiter in our system were a star so that earth was in between Sol and Jupiter and thus the day/night cycle would be all crazy. The way this is shown, day and night would be the same,

best part of that movie was the alphabet rant. I think of it any time I ever find something misfiled

agreed. Drive Angry is the movie Ghost Rider should have been

SPOILERS (sort of)

around my house, when this kind of question comes ("what is the average life span of a garden snail?" or "How did my cat get a tick on his ass?" etc) we say "That sounds like a Wikipedia question" and damn if Wiki doesn't usually have the answer!

same here. I was home sick in bed when I watched it, and Sharktopus made my morning.

actually, I think he was saying "because Bin Laden, this is ok" which is just as mind-bendingly moronic however. Apparently, because Bin Laden, anyone can do anything to anything Arabic and it's ok.

I think in this context "new character" meant "new to the team that we already know about" not "newly created just for this movie"

except the reason for making these movies at all is simply to retain the film rights. Much like the Daredevil situation at Fox, if the company making these Atlas Shrugged catastophes didn't make *something* called "Atlas Shrugged" they'd lose the rights. So at this point, it's about trying to get some money on their

yeah, they're all crap - but it's Milla kicking ass, so what more do you need? (well, in the first one some one forget to include zombies in the scary zombie movie and the best scene was cribbed from Cube and didn't involve zombies at all so I guess one does need more...)

that wasn't Fox. That was Roger Corman

depends on how the idea was packaged. Was it work for hire that Carnahan did for Fox? Or did he come to them with an idea and ask to be given a chance? In the first case, it would be very difficult to continue with whatever his idea was without some additional payments to Fox. In the latter, it's possible, but Fox

I know most people have tried to use brain bleach to strike it from their memory, but DC/WB just did a Green Lantern film, no need to introduce him again

nebulous space cloud > large PURPLE robot as far as a more realistic threat to a planet. There is simply NO POSSIBLE WAY to make a large PURPLE robot a not-laughable threat to Earth. it simply can't be done in a live action film.

I never understood the FF hate either. I enjoyed both films. They aren't great obviously, and they are barely good, but I find them fun and have watched both multiple times. Yes the Doom origin is totally screwed up and their first public outting where they are seen as heroes was actually a catastrophe of their own

sorry, I didn't memorize the game. Just seemed pretty brutal without a lot of penalties being called.

I thought I was the only person who was glad NOT to see a big purple robot looking guy and thought the world-destroying cloud was actually a better take on the idea of a cosmic threat. I never understood the FF2 Galactus-hate. Do people really want to see comic book Galactus in film? How would that not just be

this is true, but the original statement was that the person wouldn't be "impacted" not wouldn't be "erased"