
unless a change to WWII led to a change in exploration and the tribe was discovered earlier than they would have been otherwise.

we are running out of time to find someone born before WWII in order to kill Hitler and not jeopardize their own existence

sounds like someone just spend a day doing a wikiwalk through tvtropes and decided to turn it into an article (rather than just chalk it up to a wasted day like the rest of have to do after getting stuck in that particular timesink)

I watched my kitten chase her tail for 10 minutes and thought "wow, she's easily amused"

I don't see books losing their cover art any more than CDs have. Even in an age of digital downloads, cover art still serves as a marker for a work, and gives Amazon something to put in that big square to the left. Really, go to any online shop and artwork is still what you will see to promote nearly anything being

until the oppressed becomes the oppressor

and candle makers were probably pretty pissed off about these new fangled "light bulb" things, what's your point? New technology always replaces old technology. Adapt or die.

take a picture of it is wheel?

as an American living in Sweden, I use Google translate on a fairly regular basis. Sure it's not perfect, but anyone of above average intelligence should be able to understand what the translation is upposed to be (sort of like those reading tests where the letters in the words are scrambled but you can read them

what if you met your wife on the internet ina Star Trek newsgroup?

the biggest problem i had with Firefly was that the characters acted and spoke like characters in a fantasy novel, not a real world horror story. That is, they had the same kind of moral absolutes that work in Xanth but that no real person acts like.

"they should have sent a poet"

no Joss Whedon was the writer and has gone on record saying the line was delivered wrong.

and the sad thing is, had she said it the way the writer intended, it would have been perfect. Instead of going up, as if what she was saying was something over-the-top insane, she was *supposed* to say it in a flat matter-of-fact manner like it was no big deal. Imagine it that way and it makes perfect sense.

they have already used Simarillion material in the first trilogy. IANAL (just a filmmaker) but I do believe using Simarillion & Lost tales material within the context of the Hobbit would be legally acceptable

and you seem to be arguing that "you" are somehow separate from your experiences and memories. You insists that "you" die, even though everything in your brain is relocated to a new body. Why do you claim this if you aren't in fact arguing for a "soul" or some other abstraction that separates "you" from your mind?

so, according to this, Skynet *will* be able to build T-800 and T-1000 Terminators by 2040 but according to Mr. Dvorsky's other post today, they won't be able to send them back in time. I guess that's a plus

keep in mind that authors rarely, if ever, supply their own headlines. That's the job of editors

agreed. Most of the list deals with concepts that would require a fundemental break with what we know about physics, but a generational ship seems more a matter of impracticality than impossibility. There is nothing in the laws of physics that prevent it, it's just the *likelihood* of it succeeding over a long period

I haven't been all that excited about the new Total recall, but seeing how they did the cars does give me a little glimmer of hope that some real filmmaking skill and thought went into this rather than just a CGI noise-fest