
Ben Hur was a remake. Star Wars was a Kurisawa film *IN SPACE!* The Magnificent Seven was a Kurisawa film in the old west. Silence of the Lambs was a not-a-sequel to a less successful film of a book in the same series.

I think this is a point most people are missing. The film is called "The Hobbit" because that is what PJ & New Line have the rights to, but it sounds like the films will be incorporating not just Hobbit & LotR material, but Simarillion and Lost tales stuff as well, because this is the only way PJ can make those films.

same here. not necessary New Year's, but some where between Xmas and the end of January, we do 12 hours straight of LotR.

every year my wife & I watch the complete LotR trilogy in a marathon 12 hour sitting (this year was the first year on Blu-Ray on a 60 inch LED TV - can you say awesome?). We are already making plans for future viewings to be approaching 20 hours and requiring 2 days. The big question for us isn't "will we bother with

no, DoFP was a Clairmont era storyline, shortly after the arrival of Kitty Pryde (issues #141-142). Bishop arrived after the big revamp when X-Men got split in 2 in the early 90s

forced: yes. It feels like both Brother Data and regent Janeway just sort of ... showed up... because the plot demanded that they do. It's like there was another half hour of story in the middle there that was missing.

I agree. The "feel" of the show just isn't there this season. It's suddenly become all ominous and evil and a bit choppy. I love WH13 because despite the weekly death each artifact causes, the tone of the show has always been fairly light. That tone hasn't been there this season.

maybe your reading skills are lacking if a GIF distracts... oh look a shiny penny!

We didn't get it in Sweden and I waited around through all 10 minutes of credits


That may be so, but I can almost guarantee that it started with Lego Star Wars. My nephew knew the Lego SW games inside and out well before seeing any "real" Star Wars. last year, at age 10, he got to see Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time, and spent most of the movie explaining to us how that isn't what

wow, can't believe all the negative talk on here. "oh no, a 3rd movie. the book isn't that long, where will all this material come from?"

"high concept" means that the premise can be described very simply. "A cop is partnered with a mermaid" or "he's a bounty hunter who also teaches kindergarten" Those would be "high concept" premises

rows and rows of hospital beds and giant puppets... did anyone else get a Pink Floyd vibe from that segment?

yes, it has "touched on" - DS9 was considered "grim & gritty" Trek at the time and had arcs and war. Enterprise had a season long story. The whole Section 31 story brought up issues of a failed utopia (also in DS9), but none of these were really what any of the series were *about* DS9 came the closest but even it was

Reading through all the replies here I am struck by how little most of the people know or understand Trek at all.

I'd be interested in seeing the results with less gendered photos (or perhaps even male-female head swapped photos) as well as with transgender people in the photos as well as transgender people taking the test. There just doesn't seem to be enough control examples here as is to really determine much of anything

two things struck me:

I have to admit to not having seen Pocahontas yet (I do own it though and will eventually) but I thought Avatar was closer to Dances with Wolves and/or Dune. I'm not claiming it's a great movie, just annoyed that some arrogant people think their opinion is the only valid one

you stole my joke. stupid time zone differences