
actually, i thought it was a beuatiful piece of crap. it looked fantastic but the story was garbage. My opinion of Avatar has nothing to do however with your obnoxious arrogance. But you go right on believing that there is your opinion of what is good and there is the wrong opinion of what is good. I'm sure your

I like your ice cream anology although I wouldn't apply it to myself. For example, I think Schindler's List is one of the greatest films ever made but I would be hard pressed to sit through it again. On the other hand, Armageddon is well made crap that I can sit through endlessly - and not because it's reached "so

You're argument still boils down to "but the movie isn't sci-fi so shouldn't have a sci-fi device in it" which I hold is not just a flawed argument but a nonsensical one. You are upset because the film doesn't conform to the way you think it should be rather than just allowing the film to be what it is. The machine

ah got it. Thanks for clarifying... you're an arrogant asshat and can be ignored. Now I know...

I can't argue with you because we are working from a fundementally different definition of a bad movie. I love a movie I can watch again and again but that is hardly a criteria for being "not bad."

also, I'm curious as to which Nolan and del Toro films you actively avoid. For Nolan, I saw Insomnia in the theater when it came out and have never watched in since (nor do I own it) but I wouldn't say it's one to avoid, just notreally worth the time of second viewing but if my wife wanted to watch it one day, I'd

I guess I'm more generous I what I refer to as mediocre as opposed to bad. There really aren't that many actively bad movies from major studios/filmmakers. Way too much has to go wrong for a movie to be *bad* for it to happen all that often with so much money on the line. Plenty of movies can be cliché, unoriginal,

he didn't direct it, only (re)wrote parts of it

I can blame Russel Crowe just fine since he was the one who pushed for the change from making it about the Sheriff of Nottingham into a standard Robin Hood flick.

correction: Anyone who thinks Avatar is a good movie has *different* taste than you do. Your opinion on movies isn't universal or any more qualified than anyone else's. Check the arrogance a bit.

McTiernan is off this list for no other reason than the painful-to-watch remake of Rollerball. There's also "Basic" which makes so little sense that even multiple viewing can't clear up what the f*** is going on.

there are plenty of movies I've watched once and have no need to see again but wouldn't call them "bad". There's this whole category of films in between "good" and "bad" called "mediocre" that the internet critics seem to have forgotten about. A mediocre film isn't "bad" it jut isn't "good" either

so your argument is the reveal is bad because it's a wrong genre reveal? For those of us who let the film be what it is, rather than try to assign it to a particular place and say "you can do this, but you can't do that" the reveal was great and the film as a whole was amazing. Complaining about the Tesla-device as

Blue Steel I think qualifies as mediocre forgettable cop film - something like a 5 or 6 out of 10. Just right smack dab in the middle between great and bad. As much as I love Bigelow's work (Strange Days got a 10 from me and was one of my top films of the year) what disqualifies her from this list is K19: The

Insomnia is hardly a "bad" movie. It's mostly forgettable. The acting however is universally strong. As is typical of internet critics though, everything is either "great" or "crap" with little room in between - i.e. anything not amazingly awesome fanboy geek approved is crap, which is just wrong of course, but tell

because nobody did. It wasn't made public until her obit was published

Agreed. I rarely comment here, but I frequently read through entire comment threads, but not any more. There are certainly various ways a comment thread can be structured - flat view, inline, oldest-to-newest or vice versa, but this sytem... this is a mess. A huge horrible, over complicated mess that makes

which is a long debunked bit of folk etymology. As a basic rule, any word older than 100 years ago claiming to be an acronym, isn't.

does anyone have production numbers for Grimm episodes, because this one felt like something from the beginning of the season. The inclusion of the 3 guys with the coins means that it wasn't though. I'm so confused. Just when it was starting to hit its stride, we get this. I liked the Cinderella twist and had this

I would agree with 100%. It's often discussed on set when a minor continuity is noticed and the discussion turns to whether it needs to be fixed & reshot: if the audience is noticing that the guys jacket is buttoned differently then you have bigger problems. So yes, noticing th geography errors indicates Alcatraz has