
I have a hard time taking a review seriously when one of the main complaints is that the show doesn't follow the real geography of the city its set in. Maybe it's from being a film maker and knowing how these things need to be put together but even with shows/movies set in my home town of Long Beach, I really don't

so why bother watching the show? there are dozens if not hundreds of shows on every week you could be spending your time with instead of one you hate. I have never understood this kind of attitude among "fans"

knowing Annalee personally since childhood, and knowing what kind of person she is, I find this whole discussion somewhat amusing in it's insultingness (yes, that is now a word). She simply is not the kind of person who would trade good reviews for ad buys or allow such a thing to happen on a site she runs. I have

well, if there are an infinite number of alternate universes, then the odds of their being any particular combination of events is 1, since every possible combination of events would exist. So the fact that a *particular* alternate universe exists isn't the problem - the real odds-defying premise is that anyone from

I was about to post the same thing. I was trying to think what could top perfectly replicated CGI dinosaurs and the only thing would of course be, a real dinosaur - either brought back like the book/film, or created out of current species by genetically modifying them to dinosaur-like proportions.

brilliant scene. I saw the film 6 times in the theater, and every time I was teary eyed when Neil looks at the Braichiosaur and stammers "it's...it's a dinosaur" It's every childhood dream I ever had.

Now I remember why I tend to avoid sci-fi/fantasy fan reviews of mainstream sci-fi/fantasy. It's all about the snark and nitpicking rather than actually enjoying the show. My wife & I watched this last night and loved it. It's like Twin Peaks with fairy tales. It's so off it's rocker wonky that it just begs for

spoken like someone who has never seen his pre-Hollywood Dutch films (because it would involve reading the subtitles)

I've been a Windows PC person since at least 1987 when my family got an IBM clone with MS-DOS 3.3. Before that though, back in 1979 when I was 10 years old in 5th grade, my elementary school got an Apple IIe. That was the first PC I ever used, and it was on that computer that I learned to program in BASIC. So for that

Arson, murder & jaywalking

I was working at a video rental store in college when this came out. I haven't seen it since then but I don't recall being rather underwhelmed with the whole thing. There was no real drama and nothing much happened. I didn't care about the veracity of the story, I was just annoyed that it committed the sin of being

same here. I guessed it from the trailer, had it confirmed to me by a friend who read the book and felt no need to bother with the film.


well, there's Sleeper

"a pirate who changes his own face and erases his own memories to hide from his enemies."

it even has a name:

not just "bourne-esque" but specifically based on/ripped of from/homage to the Bourne novels.

I wouldn't recommend watching the series without watching the miniseries first. The series is set after the miniseries and does refer back to it. My wife is a huge fan of the comic and really liked the miniseries.

all I remember from 2 is that they stole the finale to Smokey & the Bandit 2, at which point I gave up on the series. Sounds like I need to revist it now.

Crap... I just got it. Don't I feel stupid now