
wasn't it in fact, done in Fringe, back in season 1? hmmm... maybe that was actually a test for what was done to Fauxlivia. Sure the "accelerated pregnancy" thing has been done before, but in this case, I could actually see a tie/foreshadowing from earlier in the show, so I'm more than willing to go with it.

is there a difference?

you do know that music in trailers is usually taken from previous films. It's not new music for the film. The soundtrack for Super 8 hasn't been written yet.

@sicboi: It means that we had all successfully erased it from our collective consciousness... until you went and mentioned it again. Now I remember seeing it... in the theater even... The Horror, the horror!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaauuuuuuggggghhhhhhhh

seems a little proofreading is in order:

wow, after reading all the negative comments here I once again remember why TV avoids genre stories - there is no pleasing the hard core "fans." Network TV is created for the masses. Deal with it and go back to your comic books and pulp novels. sheesh.

@ditikos: I thought Clint would get them *out*. Sean Connery gets them *in*

@Gaucho85: IIRC it is a feature length version of the Twilight Zone episode

@ElimGarak: what's all this talk of Matrix sequels? They made sequels?

@enlight10ment: because it has nothing to do with people being buried alive. from Snopes.com: dead ringer has nothing to do with the prematurely buried signaling their predicament to those still above ground — the term means an exact double, not someone buried alive. Dead ringer was first used in the late 19th

13.6 huh? That's good to know.

@Wolc Lupin: and that invalidates the Neilson ratings how exactly?

@Stunspot: that explanation works for me. Same thing applies to Chuck in that show. I can sit around all day bitching that "knowing how to fight/throw/tackle/whatever doesn't mean you have the physical ability to do it" but ultimately, the shows just ask us to go with it so we do. No need to overthink it.

@zen.impulse: Neilson will start counting torrent viewers when those viewers start watching the commercials. Neilson isn't about how many people watch the show, it's about how many people watch the ads. And from a statistics standpoint, they are actually quite accurate in large demographics. The American Idol is