That’s a little on the nose. I prefer world prefer they call it Do Not Pass Go, which effectively invokes the same reference with a bit more subtlety.
That’s a little on the nose. I prefer world prefer they call it Do Not Pass Go, which effectively invokes the same reference with a bit more subtlety.
That seems hard to make work with the canon. William the Bloody was an unwed timid Mama’s Boy who was the laughing stock of his social circle and secretly pined for a woman that hated him. It’s pretty clear, though not explicitly stated as far as I can recall, that he was a virgin until Drusilla sired him.
I’m not commending or sympathizing with any of MoviePass’s decisions, just pointing out that your statement — If the business model of your company is to offer a service that you hope no one actually uses, that’s a bad business model — is not universally true.
Closure, closure, closure closure closure....🎵
It’s not automatically a bad business model to offer an overly generous service and hope that the majority of your customers don’t fully utilize it. It works for gift cards, unlimited data plans, and all you can eat buffets.
What, you mean...<gag>...fluid transfer?
If you are tapped for jury duty, you don’t get to just decide that you aren’t going to serve on a particular trial. You’d need to give a valid reason, that the judge will accept for why you are personally connected to the case and can’t be impartial.
How dare you call Lucy a “middling” film! It wasn’t middling by any reasonable definition of the word.
I did, until the sudden but inevitable betrayal.
Changing the timeline affects only the universe in which the time travel occurred. I’m basing that on the fact that Harry and Jesse, being on Earth 2 during the whole Flashpoint thing, came back to Earth 1 and could tell that the timeline there had been altered from the Earth 1 they had visited before.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the fuck on a second. That assistant was ripped to shreds by various pterasaurs and a mosasaur. Neither of which, scientifically speaking, are dinosaurs.
Yeah, the fact that the show was made in the UK makes the language ambiguous, since they use “series” in the way American television uses “season.”
Yeah, I’m confused, because I was pretty sure those scenes with the two Bernard’s were simultaneous. They kept cutting between Bernard and Elsie in the Cradle room, and Bernard with Hale as they fight the Cradle for control of the system, and I thought both of those groups reacted to the train crash and interacted…
I don’t think the rewind was meant to mean time actually reversed in those moments. It was just a cinematic framing device to go back and show us, the audience, the same events from a slightly different perspective, so we could see that Nora was there too.
You forgot (ironically, given your handle) about the many “I saw a cat outdoors and I’m pissed off about it” posts.
The reviewer did incorrectly imply that in last week’s recap, but DeVoe doesn’t need the chair to enter or leave pocket dimensions, he has the Folded Man’s powers.
Yeah, Firestorm is dead. Just like Snart, and a bunch of others.
Bonus points if there is a scene in which, surrounded by hostiles, they formulate a plan by speaking to each other in groot.
A Good Day to Live Free or Avenge Hard
Avengers with a Vengeance