
There’s nothing Drax can do that Hulk can’t do about a million times better.

What’s Seven’s catch phrase gonnna be!

You will comply.

This is fun, I want to play, too! Will Arnett voiced Batman in all of the Lego Movies, and Slade Wilson a.k.a. Deathstroke in Teen Titans Go to the Movies. Slade may not be the arch-nemesis, but is still a frequent batman villain.

Really? Gus only badmouths Don Eladio on a video that Lalo is recording with a handheld camcorder. Then, as you may recall, Gus kills Lalo and buries him under the floor. So obviously Don Eladio never sees the video.

Last week we saw tiles flipping from white to icy blue between the wall and last hearth.  This week those tiles are already blue, and we see the flipping effect between last hearth and Winterfell.

Jon already tried to return Longclaw to Jorah. Last season, when they went north of the wall to capture a wight. Jorah refused it.

There is nothing in that scene to suggest Tony is alone on that ship. He’s recording a dying message to his fiancee, why would Nebula be right there with him in the same little room?  I’m sure she has her own shit to do.

Remember that Barry went back in time and imprisoned Thawn before he could kill Nora (the elder) creating the Flashpoint timeline, and then went back again WITH that Thawn to prevent himself from preventing it, then let that Thawn go  run off back to the future. So the Thawn that is still around could be a remnant of

I was a bit bothered by the Earth-90 numbering, because the previous crossover told us that there are 53 Earths in the multiverse; 1-52 and X.

Dude has an infant, people. Totally reasonable for him to be out of the action for several months, and just as realistic that he be reclining in every moment that isn’t filled with a crying baby.

He wouldn’t even have to know. Brown Recluse is Dean’s roommate now, as I recall, so if that’s him in the bear suit, he could have just been bringing Hank back to his own room to patch up that head wound.

Whoa! What the he’ll is wrong with you, Pairesta? I can’t believe you would objectify Christina Hendricks that way!

It’s the courthouse. He doesn’t have to be doing public work to be at the courthouse — all kinds of court cases happen there.

Is there any difference at all between freighters, aside from external appearance and number of cargo slots?

Is there any difference at all between freighters, aside from external appearance and number of cargo slots?

I know this is a distinction that probably means little in terms of annoyance, but these are promos, not commercials. They are trying to promote their own other content, as opposed to accepting payment from another party to show you that party’s advertisements for whatever.

You can take my alcohol when I make an award pass at you and throw it up on your shoes!!

Confusing Honest Trailers with Cinema Sins.  DING

Yeah, at least now if I get bitten by a Lone Star tick and develop that allergy, I can get bitten by this one to put me out of my misery.

2018 has been a shockingly sparse year for DC superhero movie output