
But this is 4-8-5. Haikus are 5-7-5.

I can think of a bunch of great puppet characters right off the top of my head, but how about one I’m sure not many people will mention.

Glass? Who gives a shit about Glass?”  

I don’t believe every person who voted for him is a monster.

Disney will win the bid when Comcast promises to show up with the cash between noon and 4pm, then never shows.

Def the right side of Drax.

....hmmm....I’m gonna go with Scott escapes the house, but the ant is covering for him, for those peeps General Ross has watching his house.

November 2016?

Dr Strange wanted it to happen that way, whatever he saw in the future possibility of them getting the gauntlet off obviously didn’t work.

I agree, the touchbar MBP felt like Apple abandoning people who use Macs for work. More of a high end consumer computer than a pro machine that needs to plug into projectors and ethernet ports. And not a device friendly to someone writing code (ESC key, tiny arrow keys). The touchbar is a useless gimmick meant to

Ned Ryerson, I’ve come to bargain.


For some reason, Lavaceratops works well for me, too.

Meh. The fun of the Mirror Universe is seeing characters you know and care for being turned on their head and/or seeing actors you know and enjoy playing significantly different character-types. It is something that has to be earned. Planning it from the start when neither the audience, the actors, or the showrunners

“...pictures don’t do it fucking justice”. Wiser words rarely spoken.

“Save Mothra...”

On that we’d have to disagree. Whedon shoots big action sequences with a lot of characters far better than Snyder in my opinion. Whedon actually maintains a consistent sense of space and positioning. Snyder is a frenetic mess. Half the time you can’t even tell who is where, how they got there, or any logical

Ugh, the taeks on this are ridonk. Look, 100 of those ballista will be lined up on the city walls...dragon flies by - WITHIN RANGE - and half of them let loose. Then you have a dragon pincushion falling to the ground. This isn’t Smaug. They don’t have one spot of weakness. Their scale is strong but not THAT

I can’t wait to never be able to get one ever

Here’s how I imagine it working: