
But this is 4-8-5. Haikus are 5-7-5.

Glass? Who gives a shit about Glass?”  

I don’t believe every person who voted for him is a monster.

Disney will win the bid when Comcast promises to show up with the cash between noon and 4pm, then never shows.

November 2016?

Ugh, the taeks on this are ridonk. Look, 100 of those ballista will be lined up on the city walls...dragon flies by - WITHIN RANGE - and half of them let loose. Then you have a dragon pincushion falling to the ground. This isn’t Smaug. They don’t have one spot of weakness. Their scale is strong but not THAT

I agree with you re: his conception of sexual preference. He’s said since that this was his thinking at the time the book was conceived/written (early 1970s) and that his thinking has evolved since then.

I agree with you re: his conception of sexual preference. He’s said since that this was his thinking at the time the

so you mean its like we paid 9.99 for the last 2 years (7.99 to netflix and $2 to NSF) and now we’ll pay 7.99 for the next 2 years? the $48 savings is misguided its simply reallocating money from the next 2 years to the prior 2 years

This is just silly. If you set aside $2 a month for two years, then you were effectively paying the full rate. So now, at last, you get the two year discount that you should’ve taken two years ago.

So we went by our business waiting to see what she does. She's two, so of course she took the bait. Caught her lifting two packs at a time and stuffing them in her pants. She sees we caught her. She speed-walks out after the assistant manager calls out, "Hey sweetie, what are you doing with those?"

Since Superman has a LOOOONG history of killing Zod, it was hardly a mistake. If you don't like the movie, focus on something you do like.

It's funny how Inquisition, Far Cry and Skyrim all have one thing in common above all else: probably a good 30% of my gameplay time is wasted trying to find holes in the physics engine in order to walk up barely-steep inclines and hills that should be logically climbable, but that the game has decided I cannot