
Except Barry punched Ralph out a few weeks ago.

You are correct, and that same thing has been bothering me repeatedly in all the Thanos discussions. I just opted not to bother fighting it. Language changes, and I think genocide as a synonym for “mass murder, but like even more extreme” has become the common usage.

The city government of Seattle is just a puppet government for Fillmore Graves now, so who knows. The city charter probably says something about the mayor’s duties falling to whichever main character needs more to do.


Had Quill shown more restraint, Thanos would still have kept his gauntlet somehow. Quill’s emotional needs could have cost something, but we know they didn’t, because Dr. Strange looked at 14 million plus possible futures and Thanos wins in all of them but one.

Well, that escalated quickly. You can swear at me all you like, Bart, and I certainly have no stake in this personally. But I stand by my assessment that — unless this woman specifically asked you to repeat her story in a public forum, anonymously or not — it was an inappropriate thing to do.

The first thing you should say is: “I’m sorry I took it upon myself to share a very personal story, that you presumably told me in confidence, with all the readers of a popular internet column. It showed very poor judgement and reflects an unhealthy interest in your personal life that I would think it my business to

There were consequences for Libby.....

Not so! Now we know we can go to the restroom when the credits start, and come back before the stinger!

Two thoughts. One, using the scheduling feature is not the whole point of a robot vacuum. I never schedule mine, and I use it all the time. Set it loose and go about other business while it works. Doesn’t have to happen when I’m gone to be useful, the point is just that it is not taking up my time and labor.

Clearly Liv and Ravi learned nothing from attending <jazzhands> sexual harassment training. </jazzhands>

I’m not going to defend the overall quality of the show as anything special, though I am enjoying it... But I take issue with bad criticisms, and these are pretty bad.

Um, the Euphrates is an actual, not mythological, river, in the middle east. Together with the Tigris it forms the boundaries of Mesopotamia.

I suppose theoretically he could could have been re-lifed by Flashpoint somehow. In a universe with the anything goes attitude towards temporal mechanics and multiple dimensions that the CW-verse has, it’s impossible to rule anything out.

It’s hard to say what the deal is with Harry(?) and Gideon until they reveal a bit more.

I think it’s pretty difficult to question the economic feasibility of specific technologies in a fictional sci fi show like West World. There just isn’t enough history or technological background given. We don’t even know how far in the future it is, or if the park is on earth, do we?

“she pulls the whole thing off...”

Sounds like it is, the way I’m reading this. And it would be kinda pointless without that part. You tell it to donate, it sends some info to the app that you needn’t bother looking at unless you want to, and asks you out loud to confirm that you want to send it.

Even if Coulson could call in the Avengers, remember that the Avengers isn’t currently what it used to be. Stark and company are restricted to operating within the oversight of an international body that currently considers both Shield and Hydra as illegal criminal organizations, and Cap’s team (including Coulson‘s

Knave! You DARE insult an innocent for his devotion to our Commonwealth? Death is coming for you, briggand, and I AM ITS SHROUD!!