
Stop being cheap and buy 256gb sticks.

None of these are unique, or even hard to find anywhere.

Not savages? Uh, hello? Who has a static password these days?

I’m sorry, you must be used to trailers giving away the whole of the plot before you see the movie.

How long it takes depends on the material and surface area.

Funny, but zero chance he was not paid to show up there.

You sell comics by making Drama. Saying anything—including actual death—is going to kill a series is nonsense.

Now don’t fuck it up like PPG.

No no no, thousand times no. It will not work with the X360 wireless adapter.

If eating it a particular way is so important, there should be a 15-minute training video before you are allowed to sit down. Hell, most of the places that I have been to that are less complicated than this usually have a waiting list.

The honking mechanism

Hydro and enclosed greenhouse means nothing is too hard to grow anywhere.


I happen to like soft oreos. You are supposed to dunk them, to make them soft... Who likes crunchy oreos?

I have a better solution: SPREAD THE F**K OUT AND FARM YOUR OWN STUFF.

If you make the bread, the butter, and grind the cinnamon—the calories equal out.

Can’t wait for the first report of people putting these on other people’s bikes and getting them arrested for ‘discharging a firearm in public.’

This year 2016. Lets hope it isn’t a single episode on December 31st.

Plain and simple: They only get new batteries when turning in dead ones to recharge.

Plain and simple: They only get new batteries when turning in dead ones to recharge.

Lets forget the first comment. That is gone now. Okay? Good.