
I love how browsing Facebook is now part of the jobs of police. I feel so much safer!

Holy Crap!

Beagle boards have less memory, and cost $39. Sorry, but Raspberry Pi is better value.

Your observation about the name is both new and fascinating. Please tell me more as you must be the first person to notice the connection between Soylent and the classic science fiction film.

Too many onions in my office at the moment...

If WBC keeps using Pokemon in their promotional material, would Nintendo have precedent to sue them for unauthorized use of their IP? Because that is a battle that I would love to watch go down.

I love Eneloop batteries, if only my family would stop throwing them away every time they need recharging...

I love Eneloop batteries, if only my family would stop throwing them away every time they need recharging...

Honestly I don’t see the big deal! We have an electricity cap and a water cap. You don’t even really NEED electricity. You can get by without it. And most people don’t even use the full water cap, so why are people complaining about the internet? It’s not as if it is similar to other infrastructure services which we

When the local government has granted a single restaurant a monopoly allowing it to be the only restaurant in town, then maybe I would demand an all-you-can-eat place.

Graphene’s number one property is creating blog stories about the properties of graphene.

Yay, impulse spending!!

Fuck cancer

So long and thanks for all the tips!

Dammit, stop making me feel human emotions. I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Ah, Linux. It’s opened source, so anyone can submit their code to help the project grow. You know, if they DARE to risk the WRATH OF LINUS!

Foam board is much more sturdy.

That is where those filthy machines belong.

Not true; I've done it before. Sometimes you may have to do it over the phone, and of course I can't guarantee it will work with every OEM, but I did it with no problems on my Acer.