
I dunno... I still think that the CastAR/HoloLens is way better for VR Tech.

Look, you are obviously on the Pro Coconut side of this debate, and you really don’t want to see any other side of it. Cool. Enjoy your oil.

Both of those are pay to see the science. All we get is the abstract, and that is like reading the headline on a BuzzFeed article and getting all your information from there.

It was part of the list of stuff that this article linked... And clearly it is pandering first, and science second. And I’m sorry, but if you have to point out that OIL can be used as a lubricant, you are reaching for items to pad out your list.

I did not say it was useless, I said that I was personally tired of it being the “NEW” diet fad thing that everyone is jumping on.

I’m sorry, the article that they linked to just lost all credibility when they recommended using it as a sexual lubricant... I had to stop reading since I was laughing way too hard and I was concerned about my sides entering orbit.

I am unsure of the nature of your response...

I have not seen a “Ton” of evidence. I have seen a LOT of advertisements claiming these things. This is what makes me uneasy. A few (I have found three) studies, and then the whole marketing industry jumps on it—reminds me of “pro biotics” and how it was basically a single study that the whole world blew up into

Yep. I am definitely not in the camp of “Steady exercise” but I do recognize this and I limit my overall intake of food because of it.

My dog came back to life after coating him in it for three years!

Thank you, but I am still not convinced that this is any better for me than any other oil. “Healthy” is a relative term. If you drink nothing but oil, you die. Don’t matter if it is coconut, olive, or 5W30. You need fat to exist, but it is in such a small amount that you would be hard pressed to not get your daily

No vitamins of minerals is not really that big of a deal... Most fats don’t. It is kind of refreshing to see a veghead blog not be head over heals gaga over the oil though. Worth a read, I am sure.

Hey, it works for birds! Those things are so healthy they can fly! You can’t prove me wrong now, ha ha ha!

Anecdotal evidence.

No I have not. I still have not. I did some minor research into this whole “fat burning fat” nonsense and this is my conclusion:

I am so sick of this nonsense cropping up about coconut oil being some miracle cure for everything. I have seen it be a cure for every thing from cracked feet, to crows eyes, to whatever else.

I just bought a 1/4” thick aluminum slab that is 20x14” and it fits nearly every grill I have encountered in my travels. Drilled a bunch of holes in it (wish I could have done it on a laser/plasma cutter. It took me days of drilling with a drill press for the hundreds of 1/16th holes) and I just use that instead of

I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate printers... As an IT person, printers are the BANE of my existance.

Small issue with selling food and drink: Most places it is illegal to do so! Hence why you keep hearing on the news when the cops shut down a lemonade stand that was being run by a couple of kids.