
However, neither the hiring of undocumented labor, failure to comply with any labor, employment, or safety laws and regulations, abuse of any public benefit, nor any failure to pay taxes shall preclude any white person from being employed in the Trump administration.

The important thing is that white people in Idaho feel safe from Mexicans.

I’m not sure I believe this fake comment. Donald Trump himself said, “The White House is running like a fine tuned machine”. Are you trying to tell me our president is delusional? Surely you jest. Never has there been a saner man in the Oval Office.

I expect a 100 fold increase in black lung cases

It’s more like he is just dumb, which may be because he doesn’t or can’t read. But I can recall being in a meeting where I had no clue what was going on, and being asked to comment, and I admit my comments sounded a lot like trump does now. Lots of filler adjectives, generalities, etc. Although at least my comments,

Please tell me this is real, please.

I thought he cleared it up nicely. The leak was real (as in, the leak actually happened), but the contents of it are fake. Which means that the intelligence community needs to be investigated for leaking fake-classified information, which allowed the press to fire Flynn against Trump’s wishes.

Forgive my crudeness, but there are only 2 reasons why Trump nominated Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

How dare you bring Ivanka into this.

I misread this and expected to hear someone yell “baby hands” during the press conference. I was disappointed.

Every day they do something even more fucked up than the day before. Soon there will be nowhere for them to go other than just openly gunning down groups of day laborers.


so he’s definitely got alzhiemers then

Jesus. I literally just ate for lunch: a slice of pepperoni pizza with mushrooms, hot sauce, topped with xtra American Cheese and sliced onions.

Well done. How very original, edgy, and pushing the boundaries. Anti-Semitic ‘jokes’, so fresh.

I’m three months pregnant and just last night went on a hormone-fueled rant to my husband about how being pregnant is making me even more pro-choice and angrier at every single male who wants to legislate our bodies because they will NEVER EVER FEEL PAIN IN THEIR BOOBS LIKE I DO RIGHT NOW.

If only...

And once you pop out that kid we forced you to carry to term, don’t worry, we’ll have cancelled all of the social services available to you and the kid because once its out of you we feel like we’ve done our part.

20 bucks says his wife responds to the name “OfJustin”

I’d rather vote Zapp than Trump.