I'm done for the day; time to go home and back to bed.
I'm done for the day; time to go home and back to bed.
Just read 'The Three', as in 'started at 7:00 pm, finished at 11:30 because I could not put it down'. Absolutely loved it.
And now, I can die happy...
No questions to ask, just want to say that I love you! You are such an incredible actress, gamer, and all-around kick-ass person.
Will she marry me?!
Oh, fine! Just swear you're sorry and you'll never do it again.
Hmmm....lots of pizza!
Now you've let the secret out! Oh, I hate you so much...
I used to be a supporter of PETA. I'm all for the protection and well-being of all animals, whether pet or farm, circus or zoo. But damn, they lost me several years ago as they got more obnoxious in their attempts to change the way animals are treated. At this point, they do way more harm than good. You can advocate…
A lot more shark-themed stuff - if I were in charge, that is.
Hell, I've been celibate for...how old am I again?
Tell him to quit playing with his balls and spend more time on your elbow fat.
According to the tabloids, you're gross! No one will like you!
I am passionately afire for Tombstone pizza.
Like 'Naked Oiled Luge!' and 'Naked Blindfolded Motocross!'.
I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Get in line!
Oh, damn it....not again!
That's it - we riot!