
Thank you so much! She is an awesome woman, and she is my hero, best friend, and role model.

I know! She is so much cooler than me, and everyone who meets her likes her instantly. That guy is the one who did her piercing, and he practically fell in love.

It's my mother's birthday, too! She is 69 years old, and here is a picture of her at a local tattoo parlor. She got her ears double pierced last weekend!

I managed to sneak in while everyone else was distracted!

Or you could take that $10,000, Jezebel, and donate it to a worthwhile charity.

Apropos of nothing, I hope Pam Anderson keeps the short cut. It's a really good look on her.


Keep the beard, Harry!

I loved how they all committed to the insanity.

God, this is funny.

It's Grumpy Cat all the way for me!

Saint Nick needs to get out in the sun a little more.

Yeah, not to be one of those people who live to correct others, but that cat up top is not a pure-bred Siamese.

Ha! I see your Grumpy Cat doppelganger and raise you.....Severely Disappointed Cat! This is Cooper, when he stands on his hind legs he comes up to my waist, and he always looks disappointed in me.

Kick ass! Way to go, Admiral Howell!

Seriously, Pinkie Pie is my favorite. I just had my 45th birthday, and my student employees, who know me so well, got me a mug with Pinkie Pie on it.

Can I come too? Pinkie Pie is the best pony!

Thanks for the info. I haven't been to a mall since forever.

I'm an old woman, evidently. I never heard of Wet Seal until about a year or so ago, and then it was on this site that I heard of it. How long has this company been around? Do they have storefronts or are they just internet-only?

I preferred horses as gifts when I was growing up. I got a lot of Breyer models as Christmas and birthday gifts, and once I got a killer Bionic Woman playset (I'm really old). The only Barbie I ever wanted was a Western Barbie because she came with a horse, and when I got her I give the doll to my sister and kept the