
No no no the SHARK SHOES!!!!

Buy me a cute purse and I'll follow you anywhere!


I am so disgusted by this cover, I can't even see straight!

Jennifer Aniston couldn't be 'edgy' if she had three days to plan and a map.

Oh, same here. If you asked me to write my reasons down on paper, I'd be unable to do it.

Ok, thanks for the info.

Ok, so is Beyond worth it? I've gone back and forth on renting it. I admit my tastes do run more toward straight-up killin' things or large map wander-around-doing-quests-and-killin'-things, but I do like to branch out.

Oh, I so eagerly awaited that game, and then once I started playing it, it just couldn't hold my interest. Maybe I need to give it another try...right after I finish my third-go-round of Dead Island.

That's is so funny! I love the viewers' reactions.

Ha! I ain't tellin' you nothin'!

Oh, just a mix with some lucky genes somewhere. His mother was a brown tabby alley cat, and who knows who his father was! Half of the litter looked like Archer, and the other half looked like the mother.

All over the damn house! He has that much in common with his namesake.

Archer is a very smart kitten, having already figured out how to get up to the bathroom sink, and was working on getting up to the kitchen counter before I moved the trashcan away - he was trying to jump from the top of that to the counter! He learned his name very quickly, and he and my Siamese like to chase each

His eyes are so pale blue that sometimes they look colorless!

Don't go harshing my mellow, man!

Here's my new kitten! Not from the SF SPCA, I admit, but still...

Ok, I took a deep breath, but it must have been too deep, because then I passed out.

Well, obviously you should stay home, or call a taxi - emphasize that you need a male taxi driver.

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