
Obviously just a drunk gremlin

Seriously though, it's a woman's responsibility to stop bro on woman beatings. It's pretty simply. See the problem is the guy has arms, and of course he's going to use them to beat people who say things he doesn't like. BUT he doesn't have the ability to cut off both of his arms, which is the only way this gets

Or 2 minutes looking at a reasonably sized chart.

Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the negi had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.

It's their wands.

I'm imagining it'd look like they over-the-hip tucked their dong into their ass. Almost as impressive as it would be uncomfortable.

I find a rather large difference between a complete lack of fashions sense and balls. Also, as you can see, they're a bit less ballsy than most. While many men have placed a sock on their cock for one reason or another in their lives, most of us have the good sense not to walk outside like that lol

Are you suggesting babies choose to be born naked?

You know that plants feel pain, have emotions, and have souls right?

Social mores and values combined with personal choices. And yes, feel free to eat Milkshake.

Holy crap he's tiny in that gif

As a man who has heard both men and women labeled "damaged" I'd suggest an additional definition: Negatively emotionally affected to the point of being dangerous. That danger is usually to themselves as well as others. As they are considered "damaged" and not "broken" there's no finality. "Damaged" can be fixed.

coo coo ca choo

And if this mall was in a naturist zone of Korea it would be perfectly appropriate. It's not, though. And we were discussing sculptures.

An erection is a state of arousal. Ask any teenage boy who randomly gets a boner during the day. It may not have a clear stimulus, but you are indeed aroused. By the way, a woman getting wet and a man getting an erection are both natural functions of their anatomy.


The point remains that superheroes aren't human; they're imagined characters drawn on a page and portrayed in films. If you believe that humans can turn into lizards or can climb walls after being bit by a spider because one of them was once sculpted with a boner, well I can't help with that.

Not even close to being the same as a boner. Thing wonderwoman with a dripping wet camel toe. Think that wouldn't be objectionable?

No. If there was a female superhero with a dripping wet pussy then it would be the same. So if you think there's should be a Catwoman statue with a sopping wet crotch on a mall, then yes, this is sexist.

It's art; it's just shitty, selfish, inconsiderate art.