“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
Wow. What a difference. The Avalon looks downright econo.
So which Toyotas are the Lexus LFA and the Lexus LC based on?
Lexus is not a 6 figure car? It competes, and beats most of its class.
I did this Amazon deal last year and was disappointed in the end. Many of the succulents where much smaller than the 2" pot, two of the twelve were damaged in shipping and after the care/sun I’ve given to other succulents over the years, these all died-off in about 6 months. I find that cherry-picking succulents at a…
I did this Amazon deal last year and was disappointed in the end. Many of the succulents where much smaller than the…
Just a warning: bought these a few months ago; they were all basically dead on arrival...totally not worth it at all.
Just a warning: bought these a few months ago; they were all basically dead on arrival...totally not worth it at all.
I agree. There is ample ground to attack her on her character for the constant lying, sneering condescension and moral hypocrisy without stooping to childish insults like “White House spokes-manatee” and “of an appearance that suggests Grimace had a change of heart mid-transition.”
Silly! Ad hominem is only bad when the other side does it.
And yet when Jim Carrey paints (markers?) a portrait of her, the AV Club goes ballistic calling him a very very bad man who painted a “very rude portrait of her!”, all the while clutching at a doily-like napkin and claiming the vapours.
So here’s an interesting question, and I’m not trying to start a fight with anyone. I hate this woman, I think she’s a monster. But does her lack of morality, her absolute odiousness, make her an acceptable target for ridicule based on her looks? Does the fact that she’s an evil henchwoman make it okay for us to call…
Yet more confirmation that cursive is a dying art form.
Damn Timothy, I thought you were having a stroke while writing the last half of that headline.
Is it victim blaming if you’re declaring the victim a liar for money?
If you can’t afford a way to secure your gun, you probably shouldn’t buy the gun.
Dat droopy derrierre. The car itself is not bad, but when the rear sags at the end, you lose all the visual impact and emotion in the design. It’s like they tried to make it a static object.
They’re also disease-infested vermin.
Deers are basically giant rats, come to south tx and youll see how bad they are.
This sounds delicious and has five too many ingredients