
It’s bad because Marvel is notorious for underpaying and overworking its CGI artists, yet they took a shortcut here. They clearly feel comfortable fucking over actual people, them using an AI creation in this shit where previous TV show credits have been well made and gorgeous is just a step forward in that direction.

I think what the movie was trying to do is say that being superman for clark is an active choice. That’s why Pa doesn’t want him to be a hero because that would dangerous even for him and his powers. It’s why Martha says to clark to be the savior or not, that he owes them nothing. It is trying to show that Clark kent

We get to hear more of her squeaky mouse voice while we’re at the gas station. That’s what my life was missing.

Are you prepared to tie an onion to your belt?

Are you telling me the movies people keep having tantrums over every time someone says “eh, not for me” are…for babies?

Regardless of who is cast, I feel they should Rasta-fy Superman by 10% or so.

“Little fucker’s not so non-violent when you ask if you can borrow his specs.”

This is fucking DIRE. I have to imagine the actual gems will be found in less likely places, like streaming, because holy shit. This is just a depressingly awful lineup. Even for superhero bullshit it seems unusually bad. Like they’re scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel. This list is probably the most

Having the Avengers make an appearance at his bedside will hit different this time out compared  to their previous visits.

Anyone else remember when the AV Club also used to cover (in Scorsese-voice) cinema? Nothing wrong with a good blockbuster, but this list could have been made by any generic clickbait site...

I see no lies, tho.

I wish his movies were remotely as passionate as all the arguments about him online. I just get bored pretty fast.

Next time Elon lands a rocket, he ought to point his ass at space and use it as a landing pad. It’ll probably hurt less than trying to keep Twitter alive with a couple floors full of Tesla engineers. (What, like Tesla and SpaceX employees aren’t busy with their ‘extreme hardcore’ work?)

The only reason super talented directors with long histories of making amazing movies hate Marvel movies is because those directors know about film and hate shitty CGI driven dreck. The only reason Marvel fans get so mad at people like Tarantino and Scorsese is because they know in their heart of hearts that those

Well in the era of giant blockbusters that need to be big in certain countries, the movie industry is a bit unsubtle, chance avoidant, twitter fearing, and ham fisted so no movies with complex characters are getting made. 

Yeah, rings of Venom without Spider-man. 

This is a film about psychic wounds made physical”


Hot take: Pinocchio sucks and I hate it and I wish it would disappear.

Make him a bit cheesier and funnier this time. The thing about Bond as a character is that his unique attributes are all superficial - he’s a posh British womanizer spy with clever one-liners and cool gadgets. Take that away (as the Craig films eventually did), and he might as well just be Jason Bourne or Ethan Hunt.