
It seems like they paid $400 million for the right to market generic possession/exorcism movies using the Exorcist name, music, surviving cast, etc. Which I think is a massive misunderstanding of The Exorcist. It’s a great horror movie, but a lot of the things that make it great also make it bad source material for

Honestly, as much as I dislike Snyder artistically, I find myself liking Man Of Steel. It’s not perfect and it’s not even a great Superman movie, but it just has a je ne sais quois.

I mean Steve Jobs is kinda Steve Jobs for idiots.  

Although Edward is very funny, all his friends are comedians and he is an extremely funny guy”.

Marilyn Manson’s done worse covers than Sweet Dreams.

And Keanu still walks among us...

Yup. I mean, he doesn’t really do anything, but he’s the most terrifying by miles.

Should have been all the Cenobites, as a group. Pinhead isn’t even the coolest one.

As someone who was alive and cognizant of the world around him in 1996, I distinctly remember a chief criticism of Mission: Impossible was that it was OVERplotted for a summer spy adventure movie. But, you know, thank god Kevin Feige was able to wrest storytelling away from peddlers of “mindless junk” such as David

Thanks for making this comment because I was about to come in here and start a scene. Also what is with the major Kevin Feige dick riding in the summary “...represent the mindless junk that existed before Kevin Feige started actually caring a bit about story.” do they not think movies had stories before marvel movies

“Any time anyone complains that today’s blockbusters are soulless, samey, hollow effects movies, force them to sit through the unholy trinity of Twister, Mission: Impossible, and Independence Day.”

It was entertaining but the details of the macguffin were incredibly stupid. It should be called Mission Impossible: Dead Girlfriend.

everything about regarding henry, from the neoptism to the directing, is some grade A hollywood b.s.

I’ll take Creed all day.

The version with incomplete VFX is the best one.

20 movies better than Tropic Thunder?

That meeting with Spielberg and company gave Zaslav an inspiration!

It’s also the movie where even Dwayne Johnson himself looks tired at his own schtick. Dude’s mind looks like it’s a bajillion miles away from any given scene he’s filming.

A true classic, especially if you were middle-school age me around 1985 or so.