
ifif you wanna go really dark, check out *Attention, the kids are watching* from 1978 with Alain Delon. it’s basically the same plot as a psycho thriller

can’t wait for the memes

“Detroit Rock City” is at least 3 times as funny as the shitty “American Pie”.

Like Musk, Aronofsky produces shiny,ugly products without any substance,so he is a good choice

His version of “This is Halloween” comes to mind, yuck

The “Funny Games” remake did indeed retain the stiltedness and the heavy handed, self righteous finger wagging, alright

Why though? She is a lousy actress with barely any screen presence. As if Emma Watson and Orlando Bloom had a child.

I like seeing Zodiac on top, otherwise this list is a mess. “Fight Club” might be talked to death, but it was undeniably a landmark movie that holds up. “Gone Girl” on the other hand is, unpopular opinion, glossy trash, as is “Dragon Tattoo”. “Benjamin Button” is far better than its reputation.

I am also more of a “Chatterer” fan

The Nun and M3gan are already half-forgotten, goddamnit.

There was a great “And then there were none” adaptation from 1974, starring Oliver Reed, Elke Sommer, Gert Froebe, Richard Attenborough and Herbert Lom. But I seem to be the only one who likes it, or am I?

Maybe because Abrams loves easy storytelling devices

ok, while I do agree a little that ID4 and Twister didn’t age all that well, I disagree with the notion that they had no soul or vision. You can see that there was some inspiration and visual spark. The remark about MI is simply idiotic. That movie was a fresh breath of air in the action movie of Die Hard clones

it had the heart in the right place and the protagonists were all pretty likable, but as much as it hurts me to say that, it was quite lame. Listless action and storytelling, cringey jokes. I am not familiar with this superhero on page, but he struck me as a random combination of Iron Man, Venom, Green Lantern, 

Wouldnt be too surprised if the “rich men” are a dog whistle for Jewish people.

Oxford comma is in place though,respect!

I would swap Cruise’s “Tropic Thunder” performance with that of RDJ, also add Sasha Baron Cohen in “Talladega Nights” and Adam Scott in “Step Brothers”.

“Montage of Heck” is so juvenile and exploitative, it’s hard to watch. Especially the animated segments and the amateurish grunge-history segment.

I thought the same. They had an exact image of the key!!

I really liked it a lot,thought Ford seemed to relish in his role and it was an overall very entertaining movie.Surprised it gets a bad rap