
Trainspotting 2

Both of his Wolverine movies are dull (as all of his other movies). X-Men Origins: Wolverine might be the worse movie objectively, but it’s far more entertaining.

M3gan at #2? It was watch- but also very forgettable Totally agree about Evil Dead Rise tho.

Hell yes! I love this movie. Check out the sweet theme by Pierre Bachelet.

“Jungle Cruise” is a nice case of better-than-it-had-any-right-to-be. Plemons as the villain is a standout performance.

Wtf how is Bridesmaids funnier than Step Brothers?

I bet it's not about creating a certain look to fit a certain theme, as they claim. They are just testing the waters here.

I unabashedly love this movie, it rocks

same terrible color grading as the last one

A yellow one

I have a hunch Woo Ping Yuen might deserve a lot of the credit.

This Superman is bu-zay!

Same thought. There is barely anything that even elicits any morbid curiosity.

Abrams needs to take his greedy mitts off any promising franchise. This guy crowbars himself into every IP out there and never delivers anything worthwhile. And does nobody learn from the mess he left behind at Paramount? It's time people recognize him as the fraudster he is.

sounds like a typical Aronofsky movie then

I really like “Shattered”, kind of an unintended attempt at a Hollywood Giallo.

whats the number #1 mediocre band?

I am surprised this movie became as revered and popular as it is now, because I always regarded it as a so-so flick. It works best when it’s simply a whodunit with a Sci-Fi mindfuck twist, every time when it tries to “say something”, it comes off as heavy-handed. It would have worked better if this vision of the future

The contact lenses irked me.

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