Craig is already doing the Bruce Willis pout? Hope he doesn't follow Bruno's career trajectory that early...
Don't thank me, thank the gravitational pull of the moon!
Is that somehow connected to the movie “Mermaid Legend” aka “” Ningyo Densetsu “?
Wonderful article, great read. Two main reasons I personally never liked this movie:
I think he and James Cameron are battling for the title of the movie director with the most stylish shirts.
TFA was a clumsy, heavy-handed stab at nostalgia, TLJ was a clumsy, heavy-handed stab at subversion.
This movie looks ugly and has no memorable action whatsoever.
Is “steaming service” an honest typo, an intended pun or a Freudian slip?
Not trying to stick out with a “contrarian” (ugh) hot take here, but what a mediocre movie this is. Often boring, always heavy handed and as we can expect from Whedon, filled with cringy corny one liners and the look of a TV movie. Loki is an unexciting villain and while the Hulk is admittedly a highlight, Whedons…
Bill Pullman is alive. You must have confused him with Dick Laurent.
Does anybody remember that asshole MTV show with asshole extraordinaire Andy Dick where some contestants had to compete for the title of the best assistant?
A little boring
I was aware that CSI is bull, but not of the real state of forensic science.
Germans don't read at all. Everything is dubbed here.
That is correct. But the more burning question is, why did he want to kill his nephew while he was sleeping?
Russell thinks of himself as the cliche of the artist who is an asshole, but brilliant underneath. I think he’s just an asshole. “American Hustle” was crap.
I never ever heard anyone saying that game developers are lazy.
Shaming is such a wonderful method of parenting measures.
I’d like this to be really funny/good, because I hate that certain subgenre of 90s suburban middle class thrillers (“Hand that rocks the cradle”, etc.).