
Let us not forget that Tony Stark is the guy who is responsible for all the chaos in the end. And that the Avengers could have saved more people in the first movie if they would not have spent half the time bitching at each other.

Liefeld’s impact on comic book art is as disastrous as it is persistent.

Yeah...why not???

Ugh... This overrated piece of trash? Should have been DTV.

Yeah, definitely hate my work. But I still have not found a job that fulfills me.

It's an old tradition to let a long-running series end in the most fucked-up way. See also "Michelle Williams' character dying in the last episode of Dawson's creek". (Spoiler, btw)

Yeah, but who beat them up ?

"I grew up very, very angry," Williams confessed. "Francis is very close to the person that I was for the first 20 years of my life. Even today, a large portion of who I am is very, very angry. Being able to vent that anger and vent that frustration and have a character that does that is lifesaving for me." Williams'

Does he own "On Writing", King's memoirs ? It's pretty good. Otherwise, I am sadly out of ideas too :)

"Joyland" is said to be good.

Same here. Have been learning the language, but never noticed that. At least I soon got the "Chewing tobacco" association all by myself.

Agreed. Best prequel to date.