
You know how they renamed Starling City to Star City on Arrow? Maybe renaming Raccoon City should be seriously considered, because it still sounds ridiculous... I should know, as I live just across the river, in Chipmunk Town.

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I submit this as the one other time hearing this song didn’t make me want to ram shish kebab skewers in my ears:

I loved Master of Puppets but I think For Whom the Bell Tolls may have been a better choice. Why did Eddie have to go?

the 2003 adaptation from director Stephen Norrington cheesed everything up by a few notches

Ew. Just.... just.... Ew.

I starred these because I’m not exactly sure what the comments have to do with me being tired of Tatooine but god you’re angry and I love it.

I don’t know if it’s cinema or me, but I actively disliked every single one of these movies. Is this a symptom of long-COVID? 

Now I haven’t seen The Lost Daughter, but is Jesse Buckley doing a motion capture CGI character? The screengrab is unsettling.

I mean if they want to be realistic, they should have people go into cardiac  arrest when they see how much one of these stupid bikes cost

Streisand effect.

The article isn’t an opinion piece. It’s actual reporting, which isn’t supposed to take a firm stance. And frankly she didn’t have to. The facts (including Whedon’s own words) loudly speak for themself.

They shouldn’t have made it at all.  This movie is absolutely terrible and easily one of the worst of the year.  This will be the last of the Matrix films as there is only so much an audience is willing to bare when it comes to bad filmmaking.  This movie is bombing and deservedly so. 

Hot take: they should’ve made it without the Wachowskis.

I’m sorry, I really am, but Matrix Resurrections is laughably bad. Its easily on my short list for worst film of the year. I love the original Matrix.  I thought the 2nd one was ok but not particularly good and the 3rd one was absolutely awful. This 4th film is a complete disaster. How in God’s name this is the

I too am glad Craig will never do another Bond movie.  His dour, humourless, miserable Bond was a chore to watch.

You say that Doom had a B Movie feel but that thing had a $100m budget behind it in today’s money (Resident Evil was half that).

thanks I hate it

I dunno, I think Nolan winked a bit in the Dark Knight trilogy. They’re usually presented as humorless, but these are movies where Batman says, “Nice jacket,” to the homeless guy he gave it to before zip-lining away, and where Ra’s al Ghul snarks on Bruce’s devotion to theatricality.