Hot take: The Avengers hasn’t aged well and now looks and feels like a made-for-tv movie.
Hot take: The Avengers hasn’t aged well and now looks and feels like a made-for-tv movie.
Also he was a Coke Head. Though this was during a period when morphine addiction was treated with coccaine.
Is this show really going to get made, or will it be stuck in some earlier stage of development?
Ace Wenturski: Krakow Pet Detective
So, who’s Gillian Anderson going to be playing on this series?
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a success because it isn’t funny. The film contains funny moments: Batman…
This is a brilliant send-up of a junior college Film 101 term paper. It misses no cliche, drones on forever, rails against social injustice, and best of all, trashes a perfectly good film (the first “Rocky”) for its failure to be the film the author would have made instead. Add in the obligatory allusions to Brando,…
I love the Ewoks. Judge me. I don’t care.
Guess im a moron idiot cause i fucking hated the first one and nave no plans to even see this.
...this is John Romita Jr. He’s an industry legend and was working 20 years before Liefeld came onto the scene.
One can argue, which I do as a MoS fan, that the superman in that movie isn't the hero is in the comics yet. The movie had it shitty parts and flaws, but this isn't superman yet, per the title. It's a man with incredible power he doesn't know what to do with yet. He saves the one guy he could see, but when zod shows…
Fair warning: do NOT start someone with Paprika. It didn't work at all—he was hopelessly confused.
So I'm black.
jokes on them. Guess they didn't figure Simpsons would be irrelevant in 2014. Does anyone watch them regularly nowadays?