
I see no lies, tho.

I wish his movies were remotely as passionate as all the arguments about him online. I just get bored pretty fast.

Next time Elon lands a rocket, he ought to point his ass at space and use it as a landing pad. It’ll probably hurt less than trying to keep Twitter alive with a couple floors full of Tesla engineers. (What, like Tesla and SpaceX employees aren’t busy with their ‘extreme hardcore’ work?)

The only reason super talented directors with long histories of making amazing movies hate Marvel movies is because those directors know about film and hate shitty CGI driven dreck. The only reason Marvel fans get so mad at people like Tarantino and Scorsese is because they know in their heart of hearts that those

Well in the era of giant blockbusters that need to be big in certain countries, the movie industry is a bit unsubtle, chance avoidant, twitter fearing, and ham fisted so no movies with complex characters are getting made. 

Yeah, rings of Venom without Spider-man. 

Considering MoS is the one of the best of the genre, and the best Superman film, it will be great to see Cavill back. 

This is a film about psychic wounds made physical”

My mom was plucked from a crowd in Washington DC and allowed to sit in the Time Cop Car. She didnt know what it was and had stopped to look because there was a crowd gathering. Not a Sci Fi fan, didnt know any of the actors in the movie!

Seriously. At least Timecop doesn’t pretend to be anything more than the silly fun it was.

It was crap then and it’s even greater crap now. The story falls apart the second you think about it and the scene where Mini Driver supposedly gets aroused makes me think Rian Johnson has never spoken to or met a woman in. his. life. The only thing dumber was the decision to try and make Joseph Gordon Levitt look


Hot take: Pinocchio sucks and I hate it and I wish it would disappear.

Make him a bit cheesier and funnier this time. The thing about Bond as a character is that his unique attributes are all superficial - he’s a posh British womanizer spy with clever one-liners and cool gadgets. Take that away (as the Craig films eventually did), and he might as well just be Jason Bourne or Ethan Hunt.

You know how they renamed Starling City to Star City on Arrow? Maybe renaming Raccoon City should be seriously considered, because it still sounds ridiculous... I should know, as I live just across the river, in Chipmunk Town.

I guess their casting goals were Academy Award winning actor that is fat, played Jor-El and not Marlon Brando.

Now playing

I submit this as the one other time hearing this song didn’t make me want to ram shish kebab skewers in my ears:

I loved Master of Puppets but I think For Whom the Bell Tolls may have been a better choice. Why did Eddie have to go?

Huge fan Michell Yeough, Shotstop and Jamie Lee Curtis and James Hong. Seriosuly i don’t know what crack people are smoking but this is one of the worst films I have ever seen. There were elements that were good but they were overshadowed by the stupidity of having people gain their powers by shoving objects up their

the 2003 adaptation from director Stephen Norrington cheesed everything up by a few notches