
Yeah, we’ll get to see him enter the Speed Force, but it’ll be on grainy CC tv video from a Maui convenient store right after he steals some old dude’s Rascal scooter and rams it into the register.

It makes sense to me, but feels unnecessary. Buzz Lightyear, the T-O-Y who thinks he is a Space Ranger, and then has to come to terms with a far more mundane existence, was interesting. After all isn’t that the condition for most human beings, who as children believe they will become a person of amazing consequence,

He was a very bad writer. Like, skin-crawlingly, embarrassingly bad. Shame he had to hurt a lot of people for it to become okay to recognize what a shit artist he is, but, there it is: he was a shit artist.

Note: Wesley died on the way back to his home planet.

Who keeps giving Lindelof work? 

But will he back in POG form?

Pacific Rim, a “cult classic”? Sorry, neither.

Ew. Just.... just.... Ew.

I starred these because I’m not exactly sure what the comments have to do with me being tired of Tatooine but god you’re angry and I love it.

He’s gonna get the blaster version of the codpiece gun that Tom Savini had in From Dusk Til Dawn

I don’t know if it’s cinema or me, but I actively disliked every single one of these movies. Is this a symptom of long-COVID? 

Now I haven’t seen The Lost Daughter, but is Jesse Buckley doing a motion capture CGI character? The screengrab is unsettling.

I mean if they want to be realistic, they should have people go into cardiac  arrest when they see how much one of these stupid bikes cost

Streisand effect.

The article isn’t an opinion piece. It’s actual reporting, which isn’t supposed to take a firm stance. And frankly she didn’t have to. The facts (including Whedon’s own words) loudly speak for themself.

The Penguin looks like Londo Mollari at a vampire larp.

They shouldn’t have made it at all.  This movie is absolutely terrible and easily one of the worst of the year.  This will be the last of the Matrix films as there is only so much an audience is willing to bare when it comes to bad filmmaking.  This movie is bombing and deservedly so. 

I dunno, I think Nolan winked a bit in the Dark Knight trilogy. They’re usually presented as humorless, but these are movies where Batman says, “Nice jacket,” to the homeless guy he gave it to before zip-lining away, and where Ra’s al Ghul snarks on Bruce’s devotion to theatricality.