
I have a hunch Woo Ping Yuen might deserve a lot of the credit.

This Superman is bu-zay!

Sounds like a clumsy attempt to mix the typical Wan-trademark cheese with the most common “elevated horror” tropes (“an exploration of grief”, yadda yadda).

Same thought. There is barely anything that even elicits any morbid curiosity.

Abrams needs to take his greedy mitts off any promising franchise. This guy crowbars himself into every IP out there and never delivers anything worthwhile. And does nobody learn from the mess he left behind at Paramount? It's time people recognize him as the fraudster he is.

Obligatory party pooper post: I didn’t think this was a great year for movies at all!
The 2 Marvel movies sucked: Dr. Strange 2 was a confused, boring mess and Thor 4 will be remembered as the one where Waititi’s shtick became tiresome. EEAO was in my eyes just obnoxious and too self-satisfied with its quirkiness, the

I never got around to play it.

nothing about this is vaguely intriguing

Is a ten year plan still a good idea at this point? Right now I feel like the fabled superhero fatigue might really set in...

sounds like a typical Aronofsky movie then

“It might not be the stone-cold masterpiece we’ve come to expect every time del Toro gets behind a camera”

I hope they avoid the misery porn aspect of the first game.

I thought they finally restored the scene where Caine beats Kermit to a bloody pulp with his Cane and leaves him bleeding out in the snow.

Picard has a twisted relationship with the subject “multiple light sources”

TimeCop is a million times better.

I really like “Shattered”, kind of an unintended attempt at a Hollywood Giallo.

hot take,  Predators doesn't deserve the positive reevaluation it currently gets, it's a lame retread without any interesting visuals, action or quotes. Low energy fanfic film making

Divorced multi millionaire Spielberg was inclined to paint a fellow millionaire in a more favorable light than a lawyer,makes sense...

whats the number #1 mediocre band?

to quote a famous SW character,