
Time to take it... behind the barn.

I am surprised this movie became as revered and popular as it is now, because I always regarded it as a so-so flick. It works best when it’s simply a whodunit with a Sci-Fi mindfuck twist, every time when it tries to “say something”, it comes off as heavy-handed. It would have worked better if this vision of the future

It’s a time travel story, so he could just alter the past enough that he is replaced with a different guy in the epilogue- it’s called “pulling a Fantastic Beast/Doctor Parnassus “.

It’s a genre and style that Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry and Charlie Kaufman did so much better twenty years ago.

Yeah Dudley Moore's stint as 007 was short-lived but legendary

I am just one episode in. Did the “Nightmare on Elm Street” homage have to be that obvious, going as far as to use the almost same music? That was as uninspired as the Terminator homage from the third season.

Obi Wan Kenobi? I wonder if they mean old Ben Kenobi

I’d argue that Joss Whedon movies have always been hard to watch, due to. their juvenile smugness

I guess others here already pointed out the similarities to Venom: Bumbling chaotic guy receiving orders and insults from a voice in his head?

The contact lenses irked me.

SIX days! Six as in...

Not to depress you guys but considering the time that has passed since the first one, it will soon be easier to skip 28 months and go straight to 28 years.

Wonder how much I can make now if I sell that one Spawn comic I once bought.

Same question. I feel like Bad Robot is good at shoving their members and alumni into all kinds of projects and franchises.


Craig is already doing the Bruce Willis pout? Hope he doesn't follow Bruno's career trajectory that early...

Don't thank me, thank the gravitational pull of the moon!

Is that somehow connected to the movie “Mermaid Legend” aka “” Ningyo Densetsu “?

Godzilla vs Kong was great fun,  while Matrix 4 was quite shoddy.

I am surprised by the mild to positive reactions to the movie. I thought this is a debacle of Highlander 2 proportions. Looks like a cheap TV or YouTube fan movie, stilted acting, stale dialogue and frankly juvenile plotting. Am I the only one?