
So they're pulling the plug on their website? I guess it's TORRENT TIME!

I'm going to have to find my box of D6's I use for Warhammer.

So Android features ... got it!

I'm game. Tell me more.

Now playing


If I could get a 10 year extension, I'd still only have about half those checked off since I'm only a year away from 40.

This is the Mario guy, also did a God of War ad


Okay. Was anyone else's first thought "DOGGIE!!!"?

I nominate any road in the DC Metro area, Monday-Friday, between the hours of 7:00am-9:00am, 11:30am-1:00pm, and 3:30pm-8:00pm.

That's funny, I have the same aversion to milk chocolate. It's almost like people have different tastes or something.

There are two ISPs available here - the other is lower speeds for a lower price. If I threatened to leave, they'd probably just laugh at me.

"Not at launch for sure, will have to evaluate after launch."

40 percent of all porn watching was done on a smartphone. Are people simply trying to be discrete?

All jokes aside, this could be GREAT for physically disabled individuals.

This one is simple, but effective. Now that the days are shorter you may not get home in time to throw the ball around with plenty of daylight for your pooch to see. Recently the light at our local park stopped working and it's pitch black. We bought this glow ball and it works great! I use the flash from my phone to

The ps4 has a higher thread count.

I love my pets (cat and dog) and know the pain of having to say goodbye to passed pets. When our last cat was run over, our kind neighbor (whom had discovered it) came over and offered condolences and even suggested where we could bury it. The place he suggested was next to a graveyard where his brother was buried, he

This is my view: I'm ok with dogs not living forever, because they get to live their whole lives with (hopefully) someone who loves them. I adopt all my dogs, so each one is a life saved, and when they pass on, I can save another.

The timing of this piece could not be worse or better for me. I just got the call this afternoon that my dogs test result came back positive. She has a tumor and they believe it could be cancerous. It has to be removed to be tested and the surgery is no small change. I have never felt such a whirlwind of emotion. I