
Not entirely false. There's often a good bit a of 'oh god' going on.

Maybe you should have explained it to stupid HR people who won't even look at your resume if there isn't a degree.

I was scrolling through just to post this. He's one of the 'Buff Dudes'. They have a youtube channel and site that's pretty good if you're interested in weightlifting. Their videos on proper form are excellent and pretty funny.

Oh? A new game's bullshit online requirement is making it so people can't play it? Shocking.

Was not aware of most of these feature. Ordering mine now.

I've been involved with Warhammer and 40k off and on for over 20 years. You will never get better by not painting. Every time I feel as though I've plateaued, I paint something new & different. I try to keep pushing outside of my comfort zone (painting difficult colors, odd models, non-metallic metals, etc) and I

I like the look of this. I don't want a living room PC like it seems these steamboxes are all trying to be.

Nope. It has meant 'no' almost 100% of the time in the past. Or if the tools do come out they're so obtuse and arrive so late that no one bothers.

The first 3 books of the Horus Heresy (Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy in Flames) series are good. However, they are more Warhammer 30k as they detail the civil war that split the Imperium of Man.

Choices in Mass Effect didn't matter, at all, in the end. No matter what you did through 3 games you still got red, green, blue. None of those were locked out based on your previous actions.

When I lived with my parents long ago, my dad and I had all of the local squirrels and chipmunks trained to be hand-fed. Basically whenever either of us walked outside it was like a Disney cartoon, with adorable woodland creatures scampering out of the trees to gather around us.

I have seen a few (or maybe the same one) black squrriels in MD in a suburb outside of Annapolis. It blew my mind when I saw it the first time.

Oftentimes I find myself uttering 'god dammit, Japan'. This is not one of those times.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

I've been trying to replicate his Parisian omelette for weeks now. I've gotten the country-style down, but the Parisian still eludes me.

Steam achievements do something similar. You can see what percentage of players have gotten each achievement. It's pretty interesting. I'm happy to see Sony adding that extra layer of data.

Yurp. The Draenei (Eredar) homeworld is called Argus.

Not originally. Originally that race was called the Eredar. Some of them went all evil demon and some didn't. The ones that didn't fled to Draenor and called themselves Draenei.

Licensing is why. While the code belongs to EA, the IP belongs to Games Workshop and they are huge assholes about their IP.

Not to stick up for EA, but it probably wasn't their call to 1. never go F2P and 2. shut this down.