
This will also fix the issue of flash videos not displaying properly (sound and controls but video is just black) when switching to fullscreen.

It's 2011. What the hell is this wire crap?

The East Coast export (mostly New York still) you really want is Shake Shack.

Early April Fool's joke I guess?

No, let this play out. Maybe it will force Microsoft to drop their completely retarded Microsoft Points system and implement a CASH MONEY DOLLARS(POUNDS) system.

@DS: It all started with the entire casts of every Nickelodeon show ever and their damn change that looks exactly the same at first glance.

@MauricioHavok: Gays can't adopt? I thought they could. Has Modern Family lied to me?!

@Maximegalon: I was thinking he looks more like a younger Glenn Beck.

@Crowbot: Not exactly. They have heavy genetic modification to make them OMGHUGE and extra organs (spare heart, gland that makes their blood clot instantly, etc).

@AOClaus: Then how are they 'the right people'?

@dompromo: Killzone 2 was astonishing in many regards: the visuals were astonishing and the controls were astonishingly bad.

@Mokon: I felt pretty 'meh' about it too when I played through the 1st time on a 24" screen and stereo speakers. Now at 46" and 5.1 this game is god damn spooky as hell!

These games are the sole reason I still want PS2 backward compatibility for PS3.

@vato_loco: A few years back I decided to drop my snobbish ways and start watching/playing/reading whatever mindless garbage I previously would have scoffed at.

@NaraVara: Oh I know. If software could get worn down from use like mechanical stuff can, my copy of Handbrake would have shit the bed a looong time ago.

@Webran61: It absolutely is, provided your stuff is all iTunes and Airplay friendly.

@Kaiser-Machead: After thinking about it, I would never strip the DRM from rentals. If I want to watch a show once that's what torrents, hulu, etc. are for. However, DRM being on content I purchase is the major roadblock keeping me from going completely legit.