
@lewis82: Okay I've been playing around with the trial version which is limited to 1 minute and using the 1st episode of Castle (HD version) as my test subject.

@lewis82: I would like to know this as well. If it just strips the DRM - sold! If it converts - no thank you. I'm not re-compressing a lossy format.

I bought one of these quite some time ago before a roadtrip 1/2-way across the country. It was fantastic and still is. The iPhone 4 fits in the 3G/3GS cradle perfectly (albeit with no case/bumper). It's super sturdy too when you need to poke it to change directions or find a gas/food place to stop on the way.

@Jennacide: Minus Whedon being involved, you just described Futurama. Except that it made it back on the air.

@rymas1: I buy all my cables from these guys. AppleTV 2, PS3, and 360 all connected with these cheap cables. I have a $200 monster hdmi cable some AV nerd freind gave me years ago and there is 0 difference.

@J.Bourne: Dodongo dislikes smoke.

@Chewmieser: This was exactly what I was thinking as I was browsing. There is no way in hell I'm spending over $20-30 on ANYTHING and even then it better be damn amazing.

@Christo Acosta: All of the iLife '11 apps show up as 'Installed' however, iWork '09 apps do not. I would say moving forward it may be the case but not older stuff.

Any word on whether or not this is iWork '11? I'm assuming not.

@Jadfish: I firmly believe that Blizzard CE's are totally worth it and get every one. The artbooks alone are enough for me but the soundtrack and making-of DVD are pretty sweet too.

@citaro: The same, except that devices will actually support it correctly and it will be silly easy to set up.

@Finstern: This is exactly what I want to know.

@archronos: This was my guess as well. Squad-based tactical shooter against alien menace? Bioware, give me what Bungie couldn't.

@DocSeuss: Yeah I thought I was only one too. We should start a support group.

@Shibbs: Actually that makes it all make sense. A lot of my friends bought it for PC and they say that version is a broken mess.

@Shibbs: So basically you just wanted to shit on Treyarch.

@corsair130: I'd imagine she did the same. Except without the caring about revenge part.

@LLIINNKK: Just not a fan either. This seriously feels more like an advertisement or just a synopsis of features.

@NeƶStarr: Chuck's daughter is infected as well. Zombrex keeps the infection at bay.

@Thalantas: Wouldn't that be OS XVI 16.7?