
@metro_digital: I've been in the market for a watch but find them largely irrelevant.

@Odin: Though my brother and I kept ours in fairly good shape over the years I did manage to get a new, unpunched copy off eBay for about $80 a few years ago. Best $80 I ever spent.

@Odin: Everyone's missing the most important part of the picture - that it contains the single greatest board game ever made - HeroQuest.

Setting aside all the shitting on it...has anyone actually downloaded it yet?

@Dadjoe: Please tell me I'm not the only one that gets this.

@dedtekker: My world is upside down. Damn you, logic!

@JakeMG: Ω Man: Yeah, as dumb as the rule is, the developers agree to it to get their apps out there.

@ThreeLeafIvy: Who cares? Keep it up and may the best one win!

@Brad Roth: I would like to know as well. The HD moniker works just fine when placed up against a 3G or 3GS, but when I look at an iPad next to an iPhone 4 "HD" doesn't really spring to mind.

@Brad Roth: I would like to know as well. The HD moniker works just fine when placed up against a 3G or 3GS, but when I look at an iPad next to an iPhone 4 "HD" doesn't really spring to mind.

@Link_Shinigami: If you make a copy of an album someone else bought and ripped, doesn't that constitute 'already paid for'?

@JuJuMonkeyBoy: 91-94 was the era of Nirvana. For pretty much all of my friends and acquaintances that was when we took a notice in music and started buying albums.

@Spanbauer: Me neither, but I bought them anyway because I think they're funny.

@ara: Windows 7 isn't exactly faltering last I heard.

@Savant74: I had always heard that Warcraft and Starcraft were actually pitched to GW as Warhammer and 40k games, respectively. Then GW passed on them and a few changes were made to make them less similar and Blizzard could release them without legal woes.

@TheFu: I am a gamer.

@Log1c: I guess it would actually be L8D. Regardless, they nabbed my interest. Bravo.

Huh. I thought I was seeing a poster for Left 4 Dead 3.