
@saxgod: Is the GPS even on when you're not running an app with location services though?

@pandafresh: Also, he's not a particularly good author.

@MrEvil: Me too. Took me about 6 months before I realized it was all I could have asked for to be free of that place.

@Dope_danny: When I was younger I had no trouble seeing the Empire as evil since I was flat-out TOLD they were evil. As I've gotten older and I think back on A New Hope and even the prequel stuff (as the Empire was rising to power) I can't really pick out anything especially evil.

@AldoraGreel: ME2 is absolutely incredible. You are doing yourself a grave disservice by having not played it.

@Abaddon: Not only are they available on PC, but those are the definitive versions.

@GoldVrod: This was the first time I cracked a smile today. Thank you.

@spikespeigel: They're probably going to get my money regardless eventually. But this would make it a day one purchase.

@Colin Martin: Lifetime sub for me as well, assuming it's an option.

@TheSonOfKrypton: I discovered the other day that Waze will not give directions for trips over 200 miles.

@wicketr: In my experience it varies wildly with the detail of the original video. For example, my 1080p rip of The Last Starfighter clocked in at about 2GB while Underworld 3 came in at about 8GB. Both are pretty much indistinguishable from the original.

@CapitalJigga: I use SupRip for BluRay subtitles. I find the video file I want and demux the subtitles into separate files with TSMuxer, run them through SupRip to make them into *.srt and all is well.

@EBone: Every once and a while me and the girlfriend will grab a BluRay on the way home from Blockbuster. RedBox doesn't do that yet and there are precious few RedBox kiosks in the area.

@Sharkey1337: I would pay many, many monies to have even MGS2 & 3 playable in HD @ 60 fps.

Dragon Age handled this well, in my opinion. Helmet on when fighting/running about.

@pigsdofly: I was thinking that exact thing. Very much like old PC Rainbow Six. Slow, purposeful, and tense.

Some more concrete details and this could be a day 1 purchase, regardless of cost.

@Decoy_Doctorpus: Helmets for the new Joint Strike Fighter: HE SEES EVERYWHERE