
What about those of us trying to GAIN weight? Notebooks and spreadsheets do the job but I want pretty graphs too!

@Andrew Wyatt: I recall reading that DMC was actually inspired by a bug in Onimusha that allowed you to juggle enemies in the air.

Played this at the beach not too long ago. Very cool, though it did not inspire me to purchase the game.

@Archaotic: GFWL was redundant before it even released as Steam did the whole XBL experience on PC already.

@High Speed Indeed: I think the SNES was the last. Unless the Jaguar or 3DO came with 2. I never knew anyone that had either.

@infinitezero: I've never made it very far into it like chapter(?) 2 maybe? But it is very good. $10 sale would be a sure thing, but $20 for a game this old - even with the extras - is a bit 'meh'.

@matt_mcmhn: Yeah just watched it with my gf (who never saw any of them!) and we were throwing a lot of 'That's what she said!' around in that scene.

Blizzard didn't think of it first. WAR had achievements before WoW did. Also the 360 version of FFXI had them as well.

Painting? Space Marines?