
A century ago, the poor street urchins who sold newspapers for the likes of Hearst and Pulitzer weren’t technically employed by the newspapers either - they weren’t paid wages, but instead were sold papers at slightly below the advertised value, and had to resell them at full price to make a profit.

Clearly at least one is something that’s been shown in previews.

The creators mentioned these five episodes would be standalone but would be linked by a mini-narrative, so it’s possible this was the beginning of that.

yeah, you’re right, this is definitely not a world in which Gamer Gate is relevant at all anymore, gooooooood catch.

The way Jerry pronounced “Akira” and “anime” was perfect. 

We eat our prey alive, and when we don’t, we lay our eggs in their eyeball so that our young can feast on their brains when they hatch. When you’re born that big an asshole, the least you can do is have a little empathy.”

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

If you like her work, you should check out her interview on the Adult Swim podcast. She talks about all the stuff in the episode that people might have missed, including all of the “crystal deaths”.

“Gaslighting doesn’t exist. You made it up, because you’re fucking crazy.”

Game of the Year. Absolutely.

I’ve used China Miéville a number of times as a reference point for Disco Elysium, honestly I feel it might be a closer match than PS:T. Except of course it is a spiritual successor to PS:T, in the sense that it’s a true original. And the dialogue is red white and gray :-)

or a fascist herb.

I like the phrase “beloved by idiots.”

Man now THAT is a good troll.


Wait, so the plot is literally “last Christmas I gave you my heart?” Seriously?

The Star Trek TNG episode where Bev finds her Gran’s spectral ghost dildo candle?

I would absolutely watch a romantic comedy where, let’s say, Rachel Bloom or Allison Brie falls in love with a sexy British werewolf, and their grandmother is fine with him being a werewolf but is concerned that he’s not Jewish.

You aren’t paying attention to the song. The very next day, she gives it away. SHE’S the ghost!

her romantic opposite keeps doing odd things like dodging passersby on the sidewalk, or never speaking to anyone but her, or vanishing and materializing without warning