I like to believe that Disney has already discovered Lovecraft and The Little Mermaid is a sanitized version of the love story of Obed Marsh and his Deep One wife.
I like to believe that Disney has already discovered Lovecraft and The Little Mermaid is a sanitized version of the love story of Obed Marsh and his Deep One wife.
You forgot Sean Doolittle, who is the very best of the Nationals. Doo is the best. He had the guts to state publicly why he wasn’t going. And he and his wife walk the walk and talk the talk in community activism. They hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Syrian refugees and got the community involved, when he was with…
I could be wrong, but I believe that Lovecraft’s pretty much in the public domain already. See https://lovecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Copyright_status_of_works_by_H._P._Lovecraft.
John Constantine: Hellblazer
This was reposted to deadspin because the clueless management drove away all the talent and has stooped to all-”DEADSPIN STAFF” written pieces.
I still have my theory that Superman punches Doc Manhattan so hard that he ends up in our world, teams up with Superboy Prime, and ends up producing this show.
Deegan was played by Alex Morf so using the L&O guest star rules I pretty much assumed that he was important and going to be back at some point.
Necrophiliac Paul Maidment has had this cross-posted to his corpse de jour. Paul Maidment has spent all weekend filling it with his evil essence, pulling from all over the G/o network, relabelling AP vids, reposting old freelance work and changing the date stamps.
Couldn’t help but think the extended police chase was a bit of an overreaction. As far as they knew, he was simply trespassing.
Maybe you were in a drunken stupour?
We couldn’t use the letter V because the Kaiser stole it!
Hey, at least somebody got you out.
I’ve been around since they were reviewing old episodes of Star Trek on AV Club Classic and I’m still greyed.
Glen Beck Called this back in 2009 if anybody remembers that! — chuck75161, Diebrville, United States, July 2015
It’s a selling point for people like me, who will go see Elizabeth Banks’ movie in the vague hope that then she will like us
I legitimately can’t understand having her host once, let alone more than once.
Kristen Stewart has the comic timing of...[beat] [beat] [another half a beat]...someone who, uh [quickly glances from the cue card to camera] has bad comic timing.
That’s nice of you to say, although I don’t envy Dennis for having to do these.
Can you do the recaps for SNL instead of this person? It’s nice to hear something objective.
I think the baby had her mother’s trainer’s eyes, not traitor’s eyes.
Interesting, let me try something here:
Jim Spanfeller has the hair of every forgettable NBA coaching failure from the 80s.
Jim Spanfeller is such a herb, even the Americans are pronouncing the ‘h’.