
Relax, this is 1874. He’ll be able to sue her.


It has to be said that this article is significantly lacking in praise for Harvey Korman’s fantastic performance as Hedy Lemarr. 

You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.

Keep it light! Keep it bright! Keep it GAAAAAAY!

The local indie theater did a Sunday afternoon screening of Blazing Saddles a month or two ago, and as the owner does when he runs old classics, before starting the film, he came out for a short lecture about the making of and history of the film. And basically, he led with this: “Yes, this film has racist language.

has the quote thread started? OK, then, I’ll just whip this out...

Mel’s other movie from 74 says hi.

Spaceballs was 13 years later. Your definition of “immediately” seems to concur with the definition of “Now” my kids use when I tell them we’re leaving now, so put on your shoes.

Calling an action film “McQ” almost puts it in the territory of 70s martial arts films that starred Bruce Le.

You watch your ass.


How — wait a second...


When will then be now?


John Wayne could never have hit those subtle comedy beats the way Wilder could, although I would have enjoyed hearing him say, “Little bastard shot me in the ass!”

Hey, I didn’t get a harrumph out of this article!

Now playing

“Blazing Saddles is also notable for its sheer, overwhelming love of chaos and for its willingness to utterly obliterate the fourth wall. Early in the film, the villain Hedley Lamarr turns to the camera and asks, “Where will I find such a man?” And then: “Why am I asking you?” By the time Blazing Saddlesreaches its

Sounds great and all, but having to rock a baby to sleep and not being able to carry everything you need sounds a little too close to home to enjoy.